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One Piece 1069 Spoilers Reddit: Rob Lucci's New Power and Ancient Robot Activation

One Piece 1069 Spoilers Reddit: Rob Lucci's New Power and Ancient Robot Activation

Spoilers for One Piece 1069 have started to appear even though chapter 1068 hasn't been officially launched. 

Many discussed the meeting between Monkey D Luffy and Rob Lucci.

It is claimed that the awakened Rob Lucci will have terrible powers. It is even said that it exceeds Kaido's strength.

Rob Lucci himself is a Neko Neko no Mi Devil Fruit user, Model: Leopard.

It's just a regular Devil Friuts - Zoan type, not Ancient or Mythical Zoan.

In the One Piece story, it's not only Monkey D Luffy who has experienced an increase in strength, several antagonist characters have also experienced the same thing.

Rob Lucci also experienced development in terms of strength.

It is proven that at this time he has become one of the best agents of Cipher Pol Aegis aka CP0.

With the development of strength experienced by Rob Lucci, it is not impossible that Monkey D Luffy will lose in their second encounter.

Rob Lucci's fight against Luffy might make One Piece fans nostalgic.

One Piece 1069 Spoilers Reddit: Rob Lucci's New Power and Ancient Robot Activation

Because Luffy once fought Rob Lucci in the past when he was still in CP9.

At that time, Luffy almost lost and was forced to issue Gear 2 and Gear 3.

After Gear 3, Luffy's body becomes smaller and is already moving in a few minutes.

Now they meet again at Eag Head!

The fight between the two of them might be exciting, but it can also be boring considering they've fought in the past.

Oda really needs to make their fight exciting because fans don't want to see Luffy win easily.

In the upcoming chapter 1069, we will see Dr. Vegapunk did something.

Vegapunk previously revealed interesting facts about abandoned ancient giant robots.

One Piece 1069 Spoilers Reddit: Rob Lucci's New Power and Ancient Robot Activation

According to him, the robot has existed since 900 years ago and had become a terrible figure when it attacked Mary Geoise 200 years ago.

The robot can be active again with the great energy that Dr. Vegapunk.

In chapter 1068, Dr. Vegapunk explained that he wanted to create an energy generating dynamic resource.

The energy will be able to move the abandoned ancient giant robot.

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