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One Piece 1065 Spoiler Reddit: Law and Blackbeard Are Surprised to See Kizaru Bring Seraphim to Fight Them

One Piece 1065 Spoiler Reddit: Law and Blackbeard Are Surprised to See Kizaru Bring Seraphim to Fight Them

The time for the release of the One Piece 1065 manga is getting closer. This is highly anticipated by many fans.

In One Piece 1065, fans will find many very interesting surprises.

Then, in the upcoming manga One Piece 1065, fans will be introduced to Akainu, who is ordering the Navy troops to go to Winner Island, where Law and Blackbeard are fighting.

Also Read: One Piece 1065: Dr. Vegapunk's Flashback Shows, Bepo Has Trouble Against Van Augur, Finally Aokiji Appears

Then it will be shown that the person who will be given the mission to lead the Marines is clearly Kizaru.

Considering that on Winner Island there are Blackbeard and Law, which will be very troublesome, then, according to Akainu, Kizaru is the most appropriate person to be sent there.

Kizaru could be considered the most trusted Admiral by Akainu because they entered the Navy at the same time and must have gone through battles together.

Kizaru is also the most experienced Admiral, considering he is much more senior to Fujitora and Ryokugyu, who have only been Admirals for 2 years.

One Piece 1065 Spoiler Reddit: Law and Blackbeard Are Surprised to See Kizaru Bring Seraphim to Fight Them

In that way, Kizaru was indeed the right person to lead the Marine troops to Winner Island.

In the Navy troops led by Kizaru, there are also several Vice Admirals who are quite strong.

The Navy must prepare a large force to go and capture Blackbeard and Law. They will also definitely bring some Seraphim.

There is a possibility that the Seraphim that was brought to Winner Island is a Seraphim similar to Law and Blackbeard.

Seraphim was created with a face similar to the Shichibukai as a child, considering that Law and Blackbeard had also served as Shichibukai. Law and Blackbeard would definitely be surprised when they saw the Seraphim.

By the time the Marines get there, things will get even more complicated. Blackbeard, who has been superior to the law, gets disturbed.

Of course, the disturbance from the Navy was not only for Blackbeard but also for Law, because the Marines came there to arrest them both.

Thus the discussion of One Piece 1065. This discussion is only for entertainment and theory. It can be true or false, and there is no intention to precede the actual content of the story.

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