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One Piece 1054: Escaped, Sabo Uses Entei Ace Technique When Fighting Ryokugyu and Fujitora in Marijoa?

There is a leaked One Piece 1054 story about Sabo who managed to escape from the clash in Marijoa.

In the circulating spoiler, it is stated that in One Piece 1054, Sabo will release Ace's Entei technique.

So why did Sabo issue the Entei Ace technique in One Piece 1054?

Did Sabo use it when he fought Ryokugyu and Fujitora in Marijoa until he finally managed to escape from the two Admirals.

Based on the circulating spoilers, One Piece 1054 is titled Entei.

Entei is an Ace technique in the form of the appearance of a giant fireball that resembles the sun.

The Entei Ace technique he used to fight against Blackbeard.

Long time not shown, the late Ace's Entei technique was finally shown in the latest One Piece chapter.

In chapter 1054 the Entei technique is shown again. But not issued by Ace, but Sabo.

Sabo who eats Ace's Mera Mera No Mi devil fruit uses the same technique as his late brother when he fights.

Fans can finally see the giant fireball that looks like the sun again.

But why did Sabo use such an extraordinary technique?

There are fans who say that Sabo used it when he was involved in a clash with Ryokugyu and Fujitora in Marijoa.

Thanks to the Entei technique, it seems that Sabo and the rest of the Revolutionary Army have finally succeeded in carrying out their mission.

Sabo was finally able to get out of the clash that occurred in the holy land of Marijoa.

However, there is another speculation about Entei being released by Sabo. It is said that Ace and Luffy's brothers use it now after he successfully carried out his mission.

It is very interesting to wait for the truth of the story. But to find out, you need to be patient for a few more days until the official One Piece 1054 manga is released by Oda.

Hatsuko A word after a word after a word is power.

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