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One Piece 1054 Spoilers: What Happened to Vivi After the Reverie?

One Piece 1054 Spoilers: What Happened to Vivi After the Reverie?

One Piece chapter 1055 seems to be a confrontation between the Straw Hat pirates and Admiral Ryokugyu aka Greenbull.

Not only that, Vivi may also appear in One Piece chapter 1054.

Nefertari Vivi or commonly called Princess Vivi from the Kingdom of Alabasta has become a very popular character in the One Piece story.

In One Piece chapter 1054, Princess Vivi is likely to be the target of the World Government, it is known when Reverie herself and the kingdom of Alabasta fully support the Straw Hat pirates.

It could be that Vivi has fallen into a trap that has been prepared by the World Government.

As is known, the World Government in the One Piece story has a long history of covering up a tragedy.

According to Sportskeeda's website, One Piece chapter 1054 provides several possibilities for Vivi, namely:

One Piece 1054 Spoilers: What Happened to Vivi After the Reverie?

1. Vivi may have been the intended target of the World Government, but Cobra or his father sacrificed himself.

2. Vivi may be saved by Sabo or the Revolutionary army in the ensuing chaos in Reverie.

3. Vivi runs away in search of the Straw Hat pirates or Luffy, who can offer her protection.

Vivi has now become the ruler of the kingdom of Alabasta since the death of her father, Vivi's mother is said to have died long before the One Piece series began.

It's still not clear what happened to Vivi in ​​One Piece chapter 1054, most likely she is also not safe and is being targeted by the World Government.

Vivi being someone very important to Im Sama as well as the Five Elders, fans can only theorize about what is happening to her in the One Piece story now.

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