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One Piece 1052 Spoiler Hint: Momonosuke Ready to Make Wano Kuni an Open Country with Zunisha's Help

The new One Piece 1052 manga spoiler hint has finally appeared. However, keep in mind that this review is only a hint for spoilers.

So the truth value of the information about One Piece 1052 this time is only 60 percent, so there is still a high chance of error.

Quoted from the Anime Haki YouTube channel, the first hint of the One Piece 1052 spoiler is a picture of a lot of food on the table.

The image of a lot of food on the table in One Piece manga is usually synonymous with a party.

So it's very likely that in One Piece 1052 the residents of Wano will celebrate Momonosuke's victory with the alliance against Kaido.

The picture of a lot of food on the table can also be an indication that when partying, the residents of Wano will enjoy a lot of food in the Flower Capital.

Then the second hint for the One Piece 1052 spoiler, we are shown a picture of a sunrise.

The meaning of sunrise is that the battle that took place at Onigashima took place at night and would end near dawn, as well as the end of the Wano War.

So in One Piece 1052 the story will enter the morning with the rising of the sun.

Then the third clue to the One Piece 1052 spoiler is an image of an open window.

The image of an open window means that Wano Kuni is ready to become an open country with Zunisha's help.

Previously in One Piece 1050, Momonosuke had a conversation with Zunisha that he was not ready to open Wano country in the near future.

However, with the hint of an open window, it could be that now Momonosuke's thinking has changed and is ready to open Wano's country.

Those are some hints for One Piece 1052 spoilers, starting from Momonosuke's victory party against Kaido to Momonosuke who is ready to open Wano country with Zunisha's help.

Hatsuko A word after a word after a word is power.

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