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One Piece 1047 Theory: Blackbeard's Purpose of Whole Cake Island Invasion Finally Revealed!

One Piece 1047 Theory: Blackbeard's Purpose of Whole Cake Island Invasion Finally Revealed!

Until One Piece 1047 the existence or movement of Blackbeard is something to be eagerly awaited.

From the facts that exist until One Piece 1047, Blackbeard is said to have arrived and will invade Big Mom's headquarters on Whole Cake Island.

Blackbeard will make Big Mom's headquarters a devil fruit laboratory.

The following is a discussion of One Piece 1047 regarding Blackbeard's goal of invading Big Mom's headquarters on Whole Cake Island.

Blackbeard is one of the characters in One Piece who is very ambitious about the devil fruit.

Currently Blackbeard is the only character who eats two devil fruits at once.

Then with his cunning, Blackbeard snatched and ate the Gura Gura no Mi Whitebeard devil fruit.

It's not enough for two, Blackbeard is predicted to be after a third devil fruit to eat.

One Piece 1047 Theory: Blackbeard's Purpose of Whole Cake Island Invasion Finally Revealed!

The third devil fruit that Blackbeard is aiming for is said to be a zoan type.

In order to make this happen, Blackbeard continued to sail to the corners of the ocean.

Blackbeard is also said to have arrived at Big Mom's headquarters on Whole Cake Island.

Whole Cake Island itself is currently out of control.

Because Big Mom and her children are in Wano Kuni.

This condition is certainly the right moment for Blackbeard to mess up Whole Cake Island.

Blackbeard's presence on Whole Cake Island is indicated by the foreshadows in several One Piece cover images.

One Piece 1047 Theory: Blackbeard's Purpose of Whole Cake Island Invasion Finally Revealed!

One of them is Color Spring which features Luffy attacking a number of live cakes on Whole Cake Island.

Some of the live cakes have faces similar to a number of members of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Then there was Blackbeard's statement saying he would return to sailing.

Blackbeard purposely sailed back to grab something before it fell into the navy.

From the facts about returning to sail, it is unlikely that Blackbeard will go to Wano Kuni.

Although Blackbeard realized that Wano Kuni kept valuable things like Road Poneglyphs to treasures connected to One Piece.

But now is not the right moment for Blackbeard to come to Wano Kuni.

One Piece 1047 Theory: Blackbeard's Purpose of Whole Cake Island Invasion Finally Revealed!

The reason is that Wano Kuni is too risky, especially when it is widely heard that naval officials will come to the area.

Most likely Blackbeard's sailing destination was Whole Cake Island.

This is indicated by previous cover stories featuring Germa 66.

It is known that before the cover story appeared, Big Mom was eyeing Germa 66 technology.

Even Big Mom has made a replica of Vegapunk's Punk Hazard lab.

Punk Hazard is where mad scientists do their research.

One of those researches is refining or making a devil fruit called SMILE.

Vegapunk's own Punk Hazard Lab has been destroyed.

But from Tashigi's report, there is still a lab at Punk Hazard that is still active.

In addition, the navy still does not know that there is a replica of the Punk Hazard lab on Whole Cake Island.

Most likely the replica of Punk Hazard's lab on Whole Cake Island was Blackbeard's goal.

The takeover of Punk Hazard's lab on Whole Cake Island is a strategic move for Blackbeard.

One Piece 1047 Theory: Blackbeard's Purpose of Whole Cake Island Invasion Finally Revealed!

As a Yonkou, Blackbeard still had to expand his territory.

Then on Whole Cake Island there is Pudding from the three-eyed race who is allegedly able to read Road Poneglyphs.

In addition, in Whole Cake Island there is still a copy of Big Mom's Road Poneglyph.

Of course this is a big advantage for Blackbeard if he controls Whole Cake Island.

After getting a replica of Punk Hazard's lab on Whole Cake Island, Blackbeard will target a genius scientist.

One of the genius scientists who entered Blackbeard was Caesar Clown.

Caesar Clown can make a devil fruit like Vegapunk's doctor once made.

The fall of the replica of Punk Hazard's lab on Whole Cake Island into Blackbeard's hands poses a serious threat.

With this replica, Blackbeard can make a devil fruit to further strengthen his fleet.

Thus the discussion of Blackbeard's purpose of invading Big Mom's headquarters on Whole Cake Island.

Of course the theory from this discussion will find the truth in One Piece 1047 and the next chapters.

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