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One Piece 1047 Spoiler: Why Luffy Laughs So Much in Joy Boy Awakening!

One Piece 1047 Spoiler: Why Luffy Laughs So Much in Joy Boy Awakening!

Until One Piece 1047, Luffy was shown to be in 5th gear mode or Sun God Nika's awakening.

From the facts to One Piece 1047 there is a special reason why Luffy in 5th gear mode or Sun God awakening Nika laughs a lot.

It turns out that it was influenced by the personality of the Mythical Zoan Hito Hito no Mi devil fruit model Nika.

The following is a discussion of One Piece 1047 regarding the reason why Luffy laughs more in Joy Boy awakening or 5th gear mode.

In this One Piece chapter, Luffy is shown to have entered awakening mode or 5th gear.

Luffy's 5th gear mode has many differences from the previous modes.

In 5th gear mode, Luffy looks like he laughs a lot like a child.

One Piece 1047 Spoiler: Why Luffy Laughs So Much in Joy Boy Awakening!

In contrast to Luffy in 4th gear mode who looks serious and doesn't laugh much.

Even in the fight against Kaido, Luffy in 5th gear mode looks like he's playing around.

This of course made a number of fans ask what happened to Luffy.

Even a Kaido felt strange and asked about who he was actually fighting.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy, the one who will become the pirate king and defeat Kaido," answered Luffy.

From this answer, it can finally be concluded that Luffy is still Luffy.

But when activating Nika's awakening, Luffy also activates the personality of the Hito Hito ni Mi Nika devil fruit.

Remember that the Gorosei once said that zoan type devil fruits have personalities.

One Piece 1047 Spoiler: Why Luffy Laughs So Much in Joy Boy Awakening!

This is also what makes Luffy laugh a lot in the 5th gear mode awakening mode.

The reason is that what is laughing is the personality of the Mythical Zoan Hito Hito no Mi Nika devil fruit.

Evidence of zoan personality dominating Luffy's body can be seen from the laughter and the way the Straw Hats sit.

The laugh characteristic of Luffy's personality is "shi shi shi shi".

Meanwhile, the laughing way of Zoan Nika's personality which is out of control from Luffy is "ahahaha".

Then in Nika's zoan personality mode, Luffy's way of sitting looks like a child's straight legs.

Then in Luffy's personality mode the way he sits with his legs folded like an adult.

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