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One Piece 1045, Luffy Turns into a Giant Race, Kaido is Surprised by Nika's Devil Fruit Including Zoan and Paramecia!

One Piece 1045, Luffy Turns into a Giant Race, Kaido is Surprised by Nika's Devil Fruit Including Zoan and Paramecia!

One Piece manga 1045 has been released under the title, "Next Level".

The title in One Piece 1045 refers to the new power that Luffy will use against Kaido.

This chapter also gets a Color Spread which shows the entire Straw Hat crew sitting together and underneath it says the sea of ​​liberation.

The Color Spread of One Piece 1045 indicates that the Straw Hat crew will free Wano from the trappings of the Kaido pirate group.

This chapter will focus on discussing the battle between Luffy and Kaido on the rooftop of Onigashima castle.

Oda said that the fight between the two was very interesting and fans would really enjoy it.

In the second duel, Kaido realized that there was something odd about Luffy's Hito Hito no Mi Nika devil fruit power.

According to him Luffy has the ability of a demon fruit of the Paramecia type as well as a Zoan.

Paramecia because Luffy can turn his environment into rubber and Zoan because Luffy can transform into various forms.

Luffy is then shown using a new move called, "Gomu Gomu no Gigant".

This technique makes Luffy's entire body a giant and now he looks like a god.

Luffy who has become a giant was witnessed by Momonosuke and Yamato who have now reached the roof of Onigashima castle.

The two of them came there to confirm Zunisha's words that Luffy was Joy Boy.

Furthermore, as Luffy had said, the Straw Hat captain had indeed run out of stamina.

But his heartbeat, which is known as the drum of liberation, turns out to give him unlimited stamina.

At the end of the chapter, Luffy in his giant form hits Kaido very strongly.

Then One Piece 1045 ends with Luffy saying, "This is really fun, isn't it, Kaido?"

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