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5 New Facts about Harry Potter Post-Defeating Voldemort!

5 New Facts about Harry Potter Post-Defeating Voldemort!

Fans of fantasy films and novels are certainly familiar with the story of Harry Potter. 

Created by J.K. Rowling, the story revolves around the extraordinary life of a student from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry named Harry James Potter, who is destined to defeat the Dark Lord Voldemort. 

After his prophecy comes true in the final serialization titled Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry continues his adult life. 

Now, we will discuss five new facts about Harry Potter post-defeating Voldemort, as depicted in the stage play titled Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

1. Marriage and Having 3 Children

5 New Facts about Harry Potter Post-Defeating Voldemort!

The first new fact about adult Harry Potter that you should know is that he finally marries his love interest, none other than Ron's sister, Ginny Weasley. 

Together with Ginny, Harry is blessed with three children named James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, and Lily Luna Potter. 

The names of his three children are inspired by individuals who played significant roles in Harry's life at Hogwarts. 

The story of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child primarily focuses on his second child, Albus Severus Potter, who also attends Hogwarts while carrying the weight of his famous and historical family legacy.

2. Part of the Ministry of Magic

5 New Facts about Harry Potter Post-Defeating Voldemort!

In addition to Harry, his friends Ron and Hermione are also depicted as married and having two children. 

While Hermione pursues a career at the Ministry of Magic and serves as the Deputy Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Harry is appointed as the Head of the Auror Department, responsible for combating practitioners of Dark Arts. 

With this new fact, it is clear that adult life for Harry Potter remains quite risky, as he is tasked with training new Aurors to prevent the misuse of Dark Arts by dangerous individuals like Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

3. Good Relationship with Dudley

5 New Facts about Harry Potter Post-Defeating Voldemort!

You may still remember the Dursley family, who mistreated young Harry Potter throughout the Harry Potter series when he lived with them. 

Surprisingly, after successfully defeating Voldemort, Harry maintains a good relationship with the Dursley family, particularly with his cousin Dudley Dursley. 

In Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Harry reveals to his son Albus that he still keeps in touch with Dudley. 

This new fact indicates that they have reconciled, and Harry Potter seems to have forgiven the entire Dursley family. 

Unfortunately, at this point, Dudley's mother, Petunia Dursley, has passed away, following Vernon Dursley.

4. Unusual Phobia

5 New Facts about Harry Potter Post-Defeating Voldemort!

Another lesser-known fact is that Harry Potter has developed a new and rather peculiar phobia. Throughout his life, he has faced many terrifying things, such as Dementors, Death Eaters, and even the Dark Lord Voldemort himself. 

However, it turns out that what Harry finds most fearful is pigeons, which he considers disgusting, dirty, and often gives him shivers. 

He shares this revelation with Albus, who appears quite surprised to learn that his famous father is afraid of a certain type of bird.

5. Mysterious Second Scar on the Face

5 New Facts about Harry Potter Post-Defeating Voldemort!

Aside from the story of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, there is another new fact revealed directly by J.K. Rowling in a short story in the Daily Prophet. 

In his 30s, adult Harry now has a new scar on his face, in addition to the lightning-shaped scar he acquired as a child. 

This second scar is considered very mysterious because there is no detailed explanation of how Harry obtained it. 

Normally, a regular scar would heal and disappear over time, but this second scar persists. 

Some people believe that he acquired this new scar during his tenure as the Head of the Auror Department. 

The question is, who is responsible for it?

Those are five new facts about adult Harry Potter that are rarely known. 

Although the main story ended with Harry's victory over Voldemort, these various facts prove that his life journey is far from over. 

Now, with a story that focuses more on his children, we ultimately learn that as a husband, father, and the Head of the Auror Department, Harry's life seems far from being finished. 

Hopefully, in the future, we can learn more fascinating stories and facts about this character who has a large fanbase.

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