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Who is the Most Unlucky Character in the Harry Potter Series?

Who is the Most Unlucky Character in the Harry Potter Series?

The Patil twins are characters who are very unlucky, both in the movies and books.

In the fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Padma and Parvati become Harry and Ron's dates for the Yule Ball. 

The two girls are described as the most beautiful girls in their year, and they appear in lovely pink and blue robes. They are beautiful and catch everyone's attention.

However, in the movies, the twins are made to be "less attractive" (come on), so Hermione stands out more:

Who is the Most Unlucky Character in the Harry Potter Series?

It makes me angry to see the Patil twins' portrayal in the movies being affected by Emma's beauty.

The beautiful Patil twins end up with this:

Who is the Most Unlucky Character in the Harry Potter Series?

Not only a bad date, but also bad clothes. They seem to have given them dresses in orange and one in pink, then they thought "lol let's change this".

How stupid those dresses were.

They should have done something like this:

Who is the Most Unlucky Character in the Harry Potter Series?

Maybe the colors in the example are not accurate, but it's still very pretty. Parvati and Padma deserve better.

Not to mention in the books, we actually see Parvati return several times, especially in the sixth book when Ron dates her friend Lavender. Padma is not mentioned as often.

In the movies? 

Haha, it's all very funny. 

All the little scenes of "hey, I'll be back" are gone. I

t's replaced with the twins suddenly appearing at Hog's Head and joining D.A, then looking disheveled while hiding from the Carrows, plus the scene of Padma screaming when Voldemort enters her mind.

Who is the Most Unlucky Character in the Harry Potter Series?

Damn, they're so unlucky that even Padma's dormitory is wrong in the movies. 

She should have been in Ravenclaw, but she's always shown in Gryffindor.

Now that I think about it, it seems that Padma is even more unlucky.

Source: Brienne Fults

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