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One Piece 1077 Spoiler Reddit: There's a Connection Between Aokiji and Ohara?

One Piece 1077 Spoiler Reddit: There's a Connection Between Aokiji and Ohara?

The figure of Kuzan alias Aokiji probably has a deep connection with Ohara Island as shown in the latest chapter of One Piece manga. 

There are several possibilities that arise between Aokiji and Ohara, where one of them is the possibility that Aokiji is from the island. 

Kuzan aka Aokiji is the first admiral introduced in the One Piece story.

However, Aokiji later decided to step down from his post after he learned that his partner, Akainu, was the new leader of the marines. 

Aokiji himself is an interesting character, where he is one of the few marines who adheres to a different understanding of justice. 

There is an interesting theory that says that Aokiji might have a deep connection with Ohara.

The Great Event of Ohara

One Piece 1077 Spoiler Reddit: There's a Connection Between Aokiji and Ohara?

About 20 years ago, Ohara Island was the target of a naval attack. 

This is because they are trying to research what happened in the past, by translating the Poneglyphs. This is something that the World Government does not want. 

Because of that, they then decided to activate the Buster Call to Ohara Island.

Of the many marines sent there, Aokiji was one of them. At that time, Aokiji's rank was still captain or under admiral. 

There are several interesting moments that arise when the attack occurs. 

First, Aokiji seemed hesitant to carry out the order to destroy Ohara. 

He was even really surprised when Akainu finished off all the scholars who were trying to save themselves.

Aokiji also seemed hesitant to attack Jaguar D. Saul who was trying to protect Nico Robin and of course Ohara. 

Many fans then wondered why Aokiji was so doubtful and seemed to mind what happened. 

Does this have something to do with the Justice he believes in? 

It could be. 

However, maybe there was something else that made Aokiji hesitate to do all that and was saddened by what happened to Ohara.

Aokiji and Ohara's connection

One Piece 1077 Spoiler Reddit: There's a Connection Between Aokiji and Ohara?

Another possibility is that Aokiji may have a deep connection with Ohara Island. 

This is known from the manga One Piece chapter 1077. 

In that chapter, Sentoumaru explained about Ohara's incident to the workers on Egghead Island. 

And he asked them to leave because there would likely be something much worse than the Ohara incident happening on Egghead's island.

What's interesting is that in this panel there is a flashback image of important figures in Ohara. 

Examples are Professor Clover, Nico Olivia, Nico Robin, Jaguar D. Saul, and apparently there is the figure of Aokiji there. 

Perhaps, this is the reason why later Aokiji was able to get to know Jaguar D. Saul and respect him so much. 

In other words, besides knowing him in the navy, Aokiji also knew him in Ohara.

This is also probably the reason why Aokiji cares so much for Nico Robin. Apart from Saul's request, Aokiji also actually knew Robin closely. 

Apart from having a close connection with Ohara, it is also not impossible that Aokiji is from the island. 

According to the information presented by Oda, it is known that Aokiji is from South Blue.

However, it could be that at some point Aokiji moved or went to Ohara. 

What happened to Aokiji actually happened to other characters, for example Sanji who came from Germa who then went to East Blue. 

In essence, Aokiji does have a deep connection with Ohara Island which answers various questions that arise among fans.

Aokiji's Revenge of the World Government

One Piece 1077 Spoiler Reddit: There's a Connection Between Aokiji and Ohara?

Seeing what happened to Ohara Island, it's possible that Aokiji will seek revenge against the World Government. 

This of course will be the same as what was done by Monkey D. Dragon who formed the Revolutionary Army. 

Dragon deliberately formed the group with the aim of destroying the World Government after learning what they did to Ohara.

Joining the Blackbeard pirate group could be Aokiji's revenge against the World Government. 

Blackbeard is known to have plans to destroy the navy and the World Government, which is in line with Aokiji's wishes. 

And by joining Blackbeard's group and destroying the navy, it means that Aokiji can take revenge for what happened in Ohara.

Another reason why Aokiji later joined Blackbeard's group was because Blackbeard could be a valuable source of information. 

Aokiji might be able to pass on the information he knows about Blackbeard to Robin or Luffy at a later date. 

Aokiji might be one of the parties helping the Revolutionary Army or Luffy's alliance to destroy the World Government.

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