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 One Piece: Becomes the Background in Chapter 1072, Know Facts About Elbaf Island

In the upcoming Chapter 1072 of One Piece, Elbaf Island will become one of the main stories in Kid's journey to find someone with burns.

Elbaf Island is mentioned in One Piece 1072 as the strongest country in the world, because their military strength is that of giants.

Elbaf Island is a country located in the New World and is in a region called "Warland".

The government on Elbaf Island is Monarchy, with a member of the royal family being Prince Loki.

Elbaf is a land of giants, where Oda Sensei clearly takes some references from Norse mythology.

Like the giant tree in Elbaf (during Big Mom's flashback) it might take reference from the world tree in Norse mythology, Yggdrasil.

The giants of Elbaf are known for their brutality and the chaos they created 100 years ago as the Pirates

But they were a tribe of giants who had great pride and always called themselves; "I am a proud warrior of Elbaf!"

Now Kid and Killer arrived at Elbaf. Kid's face looks enthusiastic. With the news of Big Mom, the most hated figure by the giant Elbaf, was defeated by Kid (and Law).

Chances are Kid will get a warm welcome when he arrives at Elbaf.

Hatsuko A word after a word after a word is power.

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