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Who Is That One: The Mysterious Figure Who Appears in Epilogue Volume 15 Overlord

Who Is That One: The Mysterious Figure Who Appears in Epilogue Volume 15 Overlord

Those of you who have read volumes 15 and 16 of Overlord, in the epilogue of volume 15 we are introduced to a secret organization called the Corpus of the Abyss.

This organization has super strong undead, and the most powerful are the undead of the Night Liches race.

Corpus of the Abyss is an organization that operates in the shadows and doesn't want to attract the attention of the outside world.

So not many people know about this organization.

This organization has super strong undead, and the most powerful are the undead of the Night Lich race.

Corpus of the Abyss is an organization that operates in the shadows and doesn't want to attract the attention of the outside world.

So not many people know about this organization.

We are also introduced to several new characters such as Banezeri and Krunui.

However, what attracts the most attention is the mysterious character who is repeatedly referred to as That One.

Based on Banezeri's explanation, it's possible that That One knows the information and location of the Corpus of the Abyss organization from one of their members.

Then That One appeared and displayed the power in front of all the Corpus of the Abyss members.

The members of Corpus of the Abyss fell to That One's knees and agreed that That One was their leader.

Corpus of the Abyss hoped That One could fight if their organization faced the Dragon Lord.

Banezeri said that the Corpus of the Abyss had been formed for 400 years.

Whereas That One appeared when this organization was running.

So That One wasn't the figure who founded the Corpus of the Abyss.

According to the information, That One joined the Corpus of the Abyss in the period 200 years before Ainz's arrival in the Main Novel.

Unfortunately after That One joined the Corpus of the Abyss, Banezeri said that That One was a bad leader.

He even caused chaos in the central continent, not to mention That One joined the organization to take the research results of Banezeri and other members.

Banezeri himself said that That One was like a parasite that was constantly being fed.

That One had been asking all Corpus of the Abyss members to report the results of the magic research they were carrying out and That One was gathering information.

So That One can use Tier Magic.

For now the highest Tier Magid that Corpus of the Abyss members have successfully learned is Tier 8.

For now That One can use Tier 8 magic.

Banezeri really wants the Dragon Lord as their leader to defeat the strongest creature in the world.

And in New World, the strongest being in the world is the Dragon Lord.

So according to the data obtained above, That One is a Dragon Lord, but not an ordinary Dragon Lord, instead he is a Dragon Lord who once lived in the era of the Eight Greed Kings.

That's why That One called players and Tier Magic "filth".

From the information that has been discussed, there are only two characters that are suitable for That One, namely Deep Darkness Dragon Lord Elder Coffin Dragon Lord.

However, there are several sources who believe that That One is the Deep Darkness Dragon Lord.

That's because in volume 7, the Platinum Dragon Lord said that a Deep Darkness Dragon Lord was hiding in a giant cave.

That One is known to be in a giant cave where Corpus of the Abyss gathers.

But according to some information, That One is most likely an Elder Coffin Dragon Lord.

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