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6 Characteristics of Chinese New Year: Lanterns to Angpau (Red Envelope)

6 Characteristics of Chinese New Year: Lanterns to Angpau (Red Envelope)

You must have found many Chinese New Year characteristics in various places.

Towards this celebration, you will find many places decorated with various Chinese New Year trinkets.

Do you know what knick-knacks to food are the hallmarks of this celebration?

Here are some things that characterize Chinese New Year celebrations.

1. Chinise Lanterns

6 Characteristics of Chinese New Year: Lanterns to Angpau (Red Envelope)

The first characteristic that is very easy for you to find is the lanterns, most of which will be red.

Red lanterns are usually put on display and lit every night before New Years until 15 days after New Years.

Of course, the light of the lanterns is a different sight and attracts many people.

According to Chinese culture, lanterns are a cultural attribute that marks the turn of the year in the Chinese calendar.

The red lanterns have the meaning of prosperity, unity and sustenance. Because of this, the Chinese people also believe that the lanterns that are displayed will give way and illuminate the user's fortune.

2. Oranges

6 Characteristics of Chinese New Year: Lanterns to Angpau (Red Envelope)

Another characteristic of Chinese New Year celebrations is citrus fruits. The orange in question is a mandarin orange.

Mandarin oranges will be easy to find ahead of Chinese New Year celebrations.

Not only as a snack, but mandarin oranges have a special meaning for the Chinese community.

Yellow mandarin oranges are a symbol of good luck and have the meaning of success.

Therefore, at Chinese New Year celebrations, mandarin oranges are always served in every home.

Even some houses also use mandarin orange trees, which are planted in pots, as decorations in the house.

3. Barongsai (Lion Dance)

6 Characteristics of Chinese New Year: Lanterns to Angpau (Red Envelope)

Barongsai performances are also one of the hallmarks of Chinese New Year in various places.

The lion dance is a symbol that is believed to drive away bad luck in the place where the performance is performed.

The word lion dance itself is actually the name of the acculturation of Chinese and Indonesian culture.

The word barong comes from a typical Indonesian art, while the word sai is Hokkien which means lion.

So, the name lion dance is only called in Indonesia which means the art of dancing lions.

4. Basket Cake

6 Characteristics of Chinese New Year: Lanterns to Angpau (Red Envelope)

During Chinese New Year, you might also get a snack in the form of a basket cake.

Basket cake is a special food at Chinese New Year celebrations which has the original name nian gao.

The name nian gao means year and cake is always served at the opening of the new year.

According to the news, kue basket is a dish that will bring good luck in the coming year.

This cake is made from sticky glutinous rice flour, so basket cake is also interpreted as a bonding food for brotherhood.

5. Angpau (Red Envelope)

6 Characteristics of Chinese New Year: Lanterns to Angpau (Red Envelope)

Another feature that shows Chinese New Year celebrations is the angpau which comes from the word Hang Pao.

Hang Pao means red bag, that's why angpau is always made of red envelopes.

This tradition is usually carried out by Chinese people by giving envelopes filled with money to children and someone who is not married.

Meanwhile, people who are married must give red packets to their siblings.

6. Red Decoration

6 Characteristics of Chinese New Year: Lanterns to Angpau (Red Envelope)

During Chinese New Year celebrations, you can also easily find various red decorations.

The red color is used because it has the meaning of luck and happiness for Chinese people.

Therefore, various decorations such as lanterns, ribbons, envelopes, and clothes are always colored red.

Not infrequently this red color will be followed by a gold color.

Those are six Chinese New Year characteristics that you will easily find ahead of the New Year's celebration.

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