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One Piece: Various Gear 5 Techniques That Have Been Revealed!

One Piece: Various Gear 5 Techniques That Have Been Revealed!

Since his introduction in the fight against Kaido, Luffy's Gear 5 has presented various very powerful moves or techniques that he uses to face enemies. 

In fact, Eiichiro Oda didn't stop there either. 

He also continues to introduce new moves or techniques for Gear 5 as we saw in the latest chapter yesterday.

As we know, Gear 5 Luffy is the mainstay and also the biggest strength for Luffy at the moment in the One Piece series. 

He managed to awaken this power when he faced Kaido in the battle of Onigashima. 

After failing several times to beat the most powerful creature in the world, Luffy finally succeeds after using Gear 5. 

And so far, there have been several moves or techniques that Oda has introduced from Gear 5. 

Gomu Gomu No Balloon

One Piece: Various Gear 5 Techniques That Have Been Revealed!

Gomu Gomu no Baloon is the ability of Gear 5 Luffy which was first shown. Actually, the technique of Gear 5 is very simple.

As the name implies, Luffy will transform into a balloon by increasing his body size.

This technique was performed by Luffy when he was eaten by Kaido, and is a way to get out of the former Yonko's body.

Actually, this technique is similar to the Gear 3 technique where Luffy will enlarge one part of his body. 

It's just that the difference is that Gomu Gomu no Baloon makes Luffy grow in all parts of his body. 

This made Yamato and Momonosuke surprised because Luffy has an unusual technique. 

Kaido was also annoyed because Luffy apparently has an extraordinary level of elasticity.

Gomu Gomu No Escape Rocket

One Piece: Various Gear 5 Techniques That Have Been Revealed!

This technique is the next technique shown by Luffy from his Gear 5 ability. 

After successfully using Gomu Gomu no Rocket, Luffy tries to get out of Kaido's body. 

After finding an opening, Luffy then used his Gomu Gomu No Escape Rocket technique to finally slide out of Kaido's stomach. 

However, this technique is actually not too special.

Basically, Luffy just ejects his body from inside Kaido's stomach with all his might like a rocket. 

Even so, what Luffy did still surprised Kaido. 

Because, he didn't expect that Luffy would be able to do such a thing. 

Also, what's amazing is that Luffy's body remains in great shape.

Gomu Gomu No Gigant

One Piece: Various Gear 5 Techniques That Have Been Revealed!

Gomu Gomu no Gigant became the Gear 5 technique that Luffy showed after Gomu Gomu No Escape 

Rocket and became an iconic technique. 

To use this move, Luffy will first jump into the air and then change his form to the size of a giant. 

In fact, this giant Luffy's body size exceeds the size of Kaido's dragon which again makes Kaido, Yamato, and Momonosuke surprised by this Luffy technique.

In fact, Yamato didn't seem to believe that such a devil fruit technique existed. 

Actually, as discussed in the previous article, this technique was predicted by the fans. Fans have speculated that Gear 5 Luffy might be able to make him very big.

Luffy is expected to be able to turn into a giant figure, just like Sanjuan Wolf and it is finally proven.

Gomu Gomu No Jump Rope

One Piece: Various Gear 5 Techniques That Have Been Revealed!

With his enormous body size due to the Gomu Gomu No Gigant technique, Luffy can do whatever he wants to Kaido. 

And one of the things he did to Kaido was to make Kaido look like a rope in a jump rope game. 

This is something no one has done so far apart from Luffy, which just proves how crazy and powerful Gear 5 is as well as Nika's devil fruit.

Anonymous Technique

One Piece: Various Gear 5 Techniques That Have Been Revealed!

This technique was shown at the end of chapter 1045 yesterday, where Luffy made his punch spin like a helicopter blade. 

This technique also succeeded in hitting Kaido's face and making him fall down. 

Previously, Kaido did beat Luffy with the Three World Ragnarok technique which left Luffy helpless. 

But after that, Luffy got back up and continued his technique. 

Luffy himself still hasn't given a name for his technique.

Gomu Gomu No Thunder

One Piece: Various Gear 5 Techniques That Have Been Revealed!

Gomu Gomu No Thunder is probably one of the most epic techniques shown so far from Luffy's Gear. 

This technique was shown in the last panel in chapter 1046 yesterday. 

It can be seen in the panel that Luffy jumps into the air, and from inside the cloud he then reappears holding a lightning bolt in his hand which is aimed at Kaido. 

Had been a puzzle, it was finally discovered in chapter 1047 that the technique is called Gomu Gomu No Thunder.

Gomu Gomu No Mole Pistol

One Piece: Various Gear 5 Techniques That Have Been Revealed!

This is one of the new techniques in Gear 5 that appeared in the Egghead island arc.

Actually, at first glance this technique was similar to one without a name. 

What's different is that Luffy doesn't do a spinning motion first. 

Rather he would hit the ground and directly hit his target. This is because the ground or its foothold turns elastic.

As we know, one of the great things about Gear 5 Luffy is that he can turn anything around him into rubber or elastic. 

And in chapter 1069 we again see proof of the awesomeness of Gear 5, where Luffy turns the floor or surface on Egghead into rubber. 

Because of this, he was able to use or create the Gomu Gomu no Mole Pistol technique.

Gomu Gomu No Dawn Whip

One Piece: Various Gear 5 Techniques That Have Been Revealed!

Gomu Gomu No Dawn Whip is also a new Gear 5 move that appears in the Egghead island arc.

This technique Luffy showed during the fight against Rob Lucci. 

This technique is also again similar to a technique without a name. 

What's different is that it's not only his hands that spin, but his whole body spins like a top. 

In fact, the spin was so fast that Luffy's body couldn't stop and it penetrated underground.

Gomu Gomu No Dawn Rocket

One Piece: Various Gear 5 Techniques That Have Been Revealed!

This is the last and new technique that is much talked about by the fans. 

His technique appeared in chapter 1070 yesterday, in the middle of the fight against Rob Lucci. 

This is also another proof of how Luffy's awakening devil fruit is able to change its surroundings to become rubber or elastic. 

To use it, Luffy will take advantage of his surroundings where in this case he utilizes Vegapunk's vacuum rocket path.

He used it as if it were a catapult and then catapulted it towards the target. 

After Luffy's body is blown away, he will immediately launch his punch attack. 

And evidently, the punch that Luffy presented was so powerful that it made Rob Lucci unconscious in the end. 

Lucci even admits that Luffy's strength is extraordinary.

Gear 5 seems to be the culmination of Monkey D. Luffy's powers and also his Nika devil fruit. 

At least, for now. 

This can be seen from the various extraordinary techniques that Luffy practiced in the fight against Kaido and also in the last few chapters. 

Of course it will be interesting to see if there will be other new techniques shown by Luffy in the next chapter.

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