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One Piece 1064 Spoiler: Road Poneglyph Copy Stolen, Law Defeated By Blackbeard

 Blackbeard will defeat Law in One Piece 1064.

Even the copy of Road Ponegplyh that Law kept was stolen by Blackbeard after Law was defeated.

Can Luffy and Kid avenge Law's defeat?

Here are the One Piece 1064 hints.

In the previous chapter, or One Piece 1063, several new facts were revealed regarding the Law vs Blackbeard battle.

Namely, some of the Blackbeard pirate crew turned out to be OP devil fruit users.

Even their strength is no joke. It is believed that Law will be in trouble.

As is known, Blackbeard managed to find Law. The battle between the two immediately took place.

Some of the powers of Blackbeard's men have been shown since One Piece 1063, but it is believed that the greatest strength will begin to be shown in the latest chapter of One Piece 1064.

It's just that Law, who has also learned haki during the Wano arc, is believed to not be easily overthrown by Blackbeard.

But can one of the leaders of the Worst Generation survive Blackbeard's attack?

In One Piece 1064 hints, some leakers have given hints that Law will lose in this chapter.

The defeat made Blackbeard take the copy of the Road Poneglyph that Law had kept in his search for One Piece.

Even so, in the latest One Piece 1064 hints, it was revealed that Law was actually able to defeat several of Law's men.

However, Blackbeard's strength is still greater than Law's.

Even Blackbeard is known to currently have the power of 2 devil fruits.

"Law vs Blackbeard seems like a long fight.

One Piece 1064, Blackbeard Defeats Law, Road Poneglyph Copy Stolen

Even Blackbeard is known to currently have the power of 2 devil fruits.

"Law vs Blackbeard seems like a long fight.

Law defeated several members of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Until finally, Law was defeated by Blackbeard.

Hatsuko A word after a word after a word is power.

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