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One Piece 1054: Former Shichibukai Joins the Blackbeard Pirates, Turns Out to be the One Who Once Against Luffy

The former Shicibukai is rumored to have joined the Blackbeard Pirates in One Piece 1054.

Until One Piece 1054, the former Shicibukai was rumored to have joined the Blackbeard Pirates, but it turned out that he had fought Luffy.

So who is the former Shicibukai rumored to be joining the Blackbeard Pirates?

The following is a discussion of One Piece 1054 about a former shichibukai who joined the Blackbeard Pirates.

Recently, One Piece fans were shocked by the information contained in Road to Laugh Tale Booklet Volume 2.

Mentioned in Road to Laugh Tale Booklet Volume 2, the Blackbeard Pirates will have a new crew.

Blackbeard's new crew of pirates are still being kept hidden.

This gave rise to a number of wild theories about who the Blackbeard Pirates' new crew was.

From the circulating theory, there is a name that is widely said to be joining the Blackbeard Pirates.

The figure in question is a former shicibukai, Gecko Moria.

The figure of a former shicibukai who once fought Luffy in the Thriller Bark Arc.

There are a number of signs as to why Gecko Moria will join the Blackbeard Marine crew.

In the previous chapter, Blackbeard had invited Gecko Moria to join his pirates.

Blackbeard is attracted by the power of Gecko Moria's Kage Kage no Mi devil fruit.

Thanks to the power of his demon body, Gecko Moria can easily create an army of zombies.

In addition, Gecko Moria can steal someone's shadow complete with his strength.

This happened once in the Thriller Bark Arc.

At that time Gecko Moria inserted Luffy's shadow into Oars.

Instantly Oars can have a technique that is owned by Luffy.

Then Gecko Moria once used the Shadow Ashgard technique which allowed him to absorb 1,000 shadows.

Thanks to this technique, Gecko Moria instantly has many times the strength and size.

This kind of ability is wanted by Blackbeard.

When Gecko Moria joins, Blackbeard can get his power boost instantly.

For example, Blackbeard ordered Gecko Moria to steal Kaido's shadow.

Later Kaido's shadow will be inserted into Blackbeard.

Practically Blackbeard's strength will increase drastically.

Thus the discussion of One Piece 1054 about a former shichibukai who joined the Blackbeard pirates.

Hatsuko A word after a word after a word is power.

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