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One Piece 1054: Aokiji's Goal to Approach Blackbeard, Wants to Kill Shanks


Until One Piece 1054, it is still unknown why the former Admiral Aokiji joined the Blackbeard Pirates.

Is there a possibility that One Piece 1054 will reveal the reason why Aokiji approached Blackbeard?

Or, what if it turns out that Aokiji is really loyal to Blackbeard.

Until One Piece 1054, it is known that this character from Aokiji is quite mysterious about his goals, but his attitude shows a sense of empathy and justice.

There are allegations that this Kuzan is disguised under Blackbeard, which this theory considers absurd.

The reason is, Blackbeard will sniff out Kuzan's hidden intentions easily.

Aokiji was a well-known figure, and Blackbeard certainly knew him well, even if he potentially didn't know a few things about SWORD.

It would be clear to Blackbeard if Aokiji was up to something, or found out he had been betrayed.

However, what if it turns out that Aokiji is really loyal to Blackbeard, which is about his goals for the pirates.

To that end, here are some things that are known about Blackbeard.

He once joined Whitebeard's ship and gathered strength, until he finally found the Yami Yami no Mi.

His goal isn't as simple as just becoming the Pirate King, he doesn't pursue freedom like Luffy does.

Whitebeard would be fine if he went and started his own career as a pirate captain, and would probably support him as an ally.

The fact that he was fully prepared to die in obscurity, not even taking up the position of Crew Commander spoke of this.

Blackbeard seems to be doing everything he does not for personal gain.

Even when he didn't have the Yami Yami no Mi powers, Shanks said he was a dangerous person, and had attacked Akagami.

Blackbeard is believed to have real reasons for disliking Shanks, and his goals may be in line with Xebec's.

Therefore, it is alleged that the aim is to defeat or kill Shanks and the World Government.

Aokiji is also in line with this goal, because they are not fans of the underhanded acts of Gorosei and Im-sama.

Hatsuko A word after a word after a word is power.

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