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One Piece 1054 Spoilers: The Key to the Yami Yami no Mi Devil Fruit Power is Finally Revealed!

One Piece 1054 Spoilers: The Key to the Yami Yami no Mi Devil Fruit Power is Finally Revealed!

Marshall D Teach aka Blackbeard and his devil fruit Yami Yami no Mi still keep a mystery until One Piece 1054.

From the theory of One Piece 1054, there are surprising facts about Blackbeard and the Yami Yami no Mi devil fruit.

The surprising thing is that the key to the Yami Yami no Mi devil fruit can be seen from the way Blackbeard laughed.

The following discussion of One Piece 1054 regarding the Yami Yami no Mi devil fruit key can be seen from the way Kurohige laughs.

The moments of Blackbeard eating two devil fruits are endless to discuss.

There are many theories, speculations and assumptions about this moment.

One popular theory is that Blackbeard has eaten the Yami Yami no Mi which can make him eat more than one devil fruit.

Interestingly, there is one opinion that says that the key to all these mysteries can be seen from the way Blackbeard's laugh is very unique.

If you look closely, there is a laughing pattern associated with the devil fruit.

For example, Whitebeard with a laugh that sounded joking, then Perona was horrified.

It is known that Whitebeard is a demon fruit eater Gura Gura no Mi.

While Perona is a devil fruit eater Horo Horo no Mi.

One Piece 1054 Spoilers: The Key to the Yami Yami no Mi Devil Fruit Power is Finally Revealed!

Furthermore, Blackbeard is said to have a laugh that sounds zehaha.

It could have been taken from the mythological animal Bai (ze) in China and (Ha) kutaku in Japan.

Then if the two fractional words are combined, Zeha will be created.

This was similar to the laughter that Blackbeard let out.

There is another interesting thing about the mythological animal that is known to have three faces.

It was the same as Blackbeard who was mentioned as having three personalities.

Thus the discussion of One Piece 1054 regarding the Yami Yami no Mi devil fruit key can be seen from the way Kurohige laughs.

Disclaimer: This One Piece discussion is theoretical so it can be right or wrong. This article was created for entertainment purposes.

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