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One Piece 1051: Oda Leaks How Luffy Activated His New Power That Appeared in the Wano Arc

Monkey D. Luffy is known to release a variety of new powers during the Wano Arc until One Piece 1051.

Related to that, Oda also revealed how Luffy activates his new power in One Piece 1051.

This new power also helped Luffy defeat Kaido in the Wano Arc.

The following is a discussion of One Piece 1051 about Oda revealing how Luffy activates his new power.

Recently, Oda revealed a number of interesting things in SBB Volume 102.

One of them is about advanced observation haki or Kenbunshoku Haki which is owned by Luffy.

Advanced Observation Haki is Luffy's power that can allow him to see the future in a moment.

Regarding this power, there are One Piece fans who ask, who will be the winner if Luffy has a match with Law and Kid?

Firmly, Oda said that it was true that Luffy had the ability to see the future, that power could make him win a suit.

But keep in mind, according to Oda Luffy will not do such a cheat.

From this Oda implies that advanced observation haki is a power that can be activated and deactivated.

This can be seen when Kaido is attacked by Luffy, even though he is an advanced observation haki user.
At that time Kaido was not activating advanced observation haki.

Moreover, Kaido did not focus because he was surprised to see Oden's shadow.

The activation of advanced observation haki is the same as other types of haki such as Busoshoku Haki or Armament Haki.

Armament Haki will activate if the user activates it.

From this it can be further confirmed that haki is a skill or ability that must be activated.

Advanced observation Haki is one of Luffy's new powers.

Luffy first activated advanced observation haki when fighting Katakuri at Whole Cake Island.

Luffy continues to use advanced observation haki in the Wano Arc.

Thanks to the power of advanced observation haki, in the Wano Arc Luffy can match Kaido.

Until finally Luffy was declared the winner against Kaido in chapter 1050.

In addition, there are also One Piece fans who ask Oda about how Franky sleeps.

Oda straightforwardly replied that Franky could create a comfortable pillow.

The comfortable pillow, named Franky Airbag, supported his entire body from head to toe.

Those are a number of interesting things that Oda said, one of which is about how Luffy activates his new power in One Piece 1051.

Hatsuko A word after a word after a word is power.

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