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One Piece 1050 Spoiler: Luffy's Mother Has Been in Stories for a Long Time!

One Piece 1050 Spoiler: Luffy's Mother Has Been in Stories for a Long Time!

Until the release of One Piece 1050 which is only two weeks away, the mystery seems to have become part of Monkey D. Luffy's family.

It is known, there are many mysteries that surround one of the strongest families in this One Piece series.

The first mystery is about Luffy's father and leader of the revolutionary army, Monkey D. Dragon.

Until the approach of One Piece 1050, the strength and even the past information of Dragon is still unknown.

Another thing that is still a mystery about this family is the true figure of Luffy's mother.

In fact, Luffy's mother figure can be said to be far more mysterious than Dragon's figure.

Until now, Luffy's mother is unknown, what she looks like, and what she looks like.

In fact, at first Luffy was told not to know that he actually had a father.

He only knew Dragon as his father after being told by his grandfather, Monkey D. Garp.

Meanwhile, Luffy's mother figure has never been told by Garp, he seems to be covering up a mystery.

Many One Piece fans speculate that Luffy's mother figure is the Celestial Dragons.

It is stated in the theory that Dragon was involved in a fate that was strange enough to fall in love with the figure of the Celestial Dragons.

One Piece 1050 Spoiler: Luffy's Mother Has Been in Stories for a Long Time!

Over time, they both managed to have a child named by Monkey D. Luffy.

There are two possibilities mentioned from the theory of One Piece fans regarding Luffy's mother figure.

First, it is believed that Luffy's mother was executed because she was caught marrying a Dragon from Clan D who was the mortal enemy of the Celestial Dragons.

Second, it is believed that Luffy's mother is still alive and living in Mary geoise's territory or some other unknown area.

Despite the many theories that have emerged among fans, in fact Eiichiro Oda has been providing clues regarding Luffy's mother figure long before One Piece 1050.

Eiichiro Oda once said in an interview that Luffy's mother had actually been in the One Piece story all along.

In American Shonen Jump in 2009, Eiichiro Oda explained that if Luffy's mother appears in the story, then she is a strong and determined woman.

He also added that Luffy's parents had appeared in the story.

One Piece 1050 Spoiler: Luffy's Mother Has Been in Stories for a Long Time!

That means Luffy's mother has most likely been shown, but fans still don't know that she is the one.

It could be that the appearance of Luffy's mother who will come will be very shocking in the One Piece universe.

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