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One Piece 1048 Spoiler: Luffy's Conqueror Haki Level Is Still Far Below Shanks and Roger!


One Piece 1048 Spoiler: Luffy's Conqueror Haki Level Is Still Far Below Shanks and Roger!

Kaido in One Piece 1048 has revealed how the Pirate King, Gol D Roger can conquer the world using only haki.

From the facts that exist until One Piece 1048, it turns out that the ability of the Conqueror's Haki that has been shown by pirates and the navy is not enough.

Because indirectly, Kaido said that Roger's Haki power had surpassed all of them.

The following is a discussion of One Piece 1048 regarding Luffy's journey which is still long because he has not mastered haki on the same level as Roger.

Based on Kaido's statement, a popular theory states that there is a higher level of Haki than Conqueror's Haki.

Then only a few can use it in the world and Roger is allegedly already at that level.

This was revealed by Kaido implicitly when he saw Luffy's lightning attack.

According to the strongest creature, a powerful devil fruit like the one Luffy ate was not enough to conquer the ocean of One Piece.

Then while attacking Luffy with his weapon, Kaido stated that Roger was the real proof.

The Pirate King said the Yonkou did not have a devil fruit, but he could subdue the world.

One Piece 1048 Spoiler: Luffy's Conqueror Haki Level Is Still Far Below Shanks and Roger!

Kaido then said that all of that could be achieved by Roger only with his rights.

Therefore Luffy still has to develop to become stronger so that he can reach that level of haki.

Not only Roger, Shanks is also allegedly at that level of haki, the same haki as Roger.

So this indicates that Luffy's journey is still long in the One Piece story.

Facts about Haki which is stronger than Conqueror's Haki will of course be revealed in One Piece 1048 or the next chapters.

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