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One Piece 1048 Spoiler: Become an Important World Government Fugitive, Here's the Estimated Bounty Joy Boy Value!

Become an Important World Government Fugitive, Here's the Estimated Bounty Joy Boy Value!

Ahead of One Piece 1048, fans are curious about the bounty value of Joy boy.

The name Joy Boy in One Piece 1048 is known to have resurfaced in the current battle at the Onigashima Arc, Wano Country.

Joy Boy himself is one of the most important characters in the history of the One Piece series who died hundreds of years ago.

Based on the information known about Joy Boy, he is an important figure who lived in the lost century.å

The name Joy Boy was again a hot topic of discussion in the third round of the Wano Country Arc after Joy Boy was considered a figure who had been awaited since tens or even hundreds of years ago.

Even so, Eiichiro Oda himself still has not provided important information regarding Joy Boy.

In addition to the information already known, there are many other theories that have sprung up among fans regarding Joy Boy ahead of One Piece 1048.

One such theory is that Joy Boy is actually the leader of an ancient kingdom.

However, due to the invasion of the 20 kingdoms against the ancient kingdom, Joy Boy and his kingdom finally lost.

Meanwhile, another theory says that Joy Boy is the figure of the first pirate king.

He is also considered by fans as the person who first came to Laugh Tale and kept all his treasures on the island including One Piece.

The last theory, Joy Boy is a fugitive from the World Government based on the fact that he apologized to the fish-man because he couldn't fulfill his promise.

If Joy Boy is indeed a fugitive from the World Government, does he have a bounty value like other World Government fugitives?

One Piece 1048 Spoiler: Become an Important World Government Fugitive, Here's the Estimated Bounty Joy Boy Value!

Until now, it is still unknown whether Joy Boy has a bounty value or not.

However, it is not impossible if a pirate classmate Joy Boy has a fantastic bounty value.

It is known, the figure who has the highest bounty value in the history of One Piece is Gold D. Roger with a value of 564,800 billion belly.

In the next position, there is the figure of Blackbeard who has a bounty value of 5,046 billion belly.

Then, there are Big Mom and Kaido who both have a bounty value of around 4 billion belly.

Fans predict that Joy Boy has a very large bounty value because he managed to reach Laugh Tale.

The reason is, until now there are no other pirates who have achievements like Roger and Joy Boy except for the Yonkou.

The strength and figure of Joy Boy himself is still unknown until before One Piece 1048.

However, as it is known that Joy Boy was speculated to be the previous owner of the Hito-Hito no Mi Model Nika devil fruit.

If you think that Luffy's current strength is the reincarnation of Joy Boy, then you can be sure that Joy Boy was a very strong figure in his time.

Luffy himself is currently known to have a bounty of 1.5 billion belly by the World Government.

However, he got such a big bounty value because Luffy was considered too influential in the One Piece world.

Joy Boy experienced different things, whose name would be recognized by all high-ranking World Government officials from the Gorosei to Im Sama.

With his influence that is considered a big threat by the World Government and the various road poneglyphs that he keeps, it is only natural that Joy Boy has a bounty value that exceeds Roger's.

It is estimated that the World Government gives Joy Boy's bounty value in the range of 7-10 billion belly.

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