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One Piece 1047: Smoker Clashes with the Blackbeard Pirates at Big Mom's Headquarters!


One Piece 1047: Smoker Clashes with the Blackbeard Pirates at Big Mom's Headquarters!

The Blackbeard and Smoker pirates are said to have arrived at Big Mom's headquarters, Whole Cake Island simultaneously in One Piece 1047.

From the facts that exist until One Piece 1047, both Smoker and the Blackbeard pirates, both are after the same thing at Big Mom's headquarters.

Until One Piece 1047, it was discovered that both of them wanted to seize the Vegapunk Laboratory blueprints that Big Mom kept on Whole Cake Island.

The following is a discussion of One Piece 1047 regarding the clash that occurred between Smoker and the Blackbeard pirates to seize the Vegapunk Lab blueprint.

On the cover of chapter 1046, two human silhouettes are said to have infiltrated Whole Cake Island.

But if you look closely, there is a person who is standing guard there and is now in front of the two intruders.

Considering the person calmly standing there, the two intruders were most likely from the Marine side as they showed no sign of threat.

The two people were Tashigi and Smoker who had come to find and retrieve the stolen Vegapunk Lab blueprints.

The clue lies with Morgan, who was previously ordered by a Cipher Pol agent to spread the word.

Morgan at the time turned it down because the news would have a big impact.

So why are the two silhouettes Tashigi and Smoker? 

Because they witnessed the gigantification experiment performed by Caesar Clown on Punk Hazard.

Then as is known Big Mom is the one who funded the project.

Then there is another clue on the cover of chapter 1046 which indicates that the two silhouettes are Tashigi and Smoker.

When they arrived, the Cacao Island policeman in front of him called the number 80.

If you look at chapter 80 entitled, "A thief is still a thief", it is said that Marine appeared in Cocoyashi Village to reclaim the treasure stolen by Nami.

Returning to the silhouette, Smoker and Tashigi are seen coming from the beach. Meaning they had just arrived at Cacao Island.

One Piece 1047: Smoker Clashes with the Blackbeard Pirates at Big Mom's Headquarters!

So it took them one more day to reach Whole Cake Island.

As for the Blackbeard Pirates, they were already on Whole Cake Island.

It is evident from the nine human silhouettes shown on the cover page of chapter 1043.

The nine people are Blackbeard's pirates and they are shown approaching Brulee and Oven.

However, because on the cover of the next chapter, Oven is shown already in the lab while handing over the book with Niji and Yonji.

It seemed that Oven and Brulee had been attacked by the Blackbeard Pirates, but they had survived.

So what are the Blackbeard pirates really after and what is their motive for coming to Whole Cake Island.

In addition to wanting to kidnap Pudding, they were most likely looking for the blueprints hidden in Mont-D'or's book.

But their main goal is to target the Vegapunk Lab blueprints hidden in the book.

This is evidenced by Blackbeard's words before starting his movement.

Blackbeard said, "Pack yer bags Onto the ship! Why let the Navy reap the reward when i stand to gain from this?"

One Piece 1047: Smoker Clashes with the Blackbeard Pirates at Big Mom's Headquarters!

There is the word, "Reap" which if translated is a homonym of the word tearing like tearing a page from a book.

So whose book is that?

It was a secret book that Mont-D'or kept in the library of the Whole Cake Chateau aka Big Mom's main castle.

This is what is currently the main focus of the Blackbeard pirates.

The presence of Smoker and Tashigi on Whole Cake Island will certainly ignite a sizable war with the Blackbeard pirates.

Because both are after the same thing, namely the Vegapunk Lab blueprint.

Of course it will be interesting if the Blackbeard and Smoker pirates are aiming for the same thing on Whole Cake Island.

The answer will be revealed by Oda in One Piece 1047 or the next chapters.

DISCLAIMER: The discussion of One Piece 1047 here is only a theory, for entertainment purposes, and is not intended to precede the content of the story.

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