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What is the Dark Side of the Avatar: The Last Airbender?

What is the Dark Side of the Avatar: The Last Airbender?

Do you remember how Zuko got his scar?

In the 12th episode of Book One, titled "The Storm," Iroh tells the story of how Zuko got his burn scar. 

When Zuko was a teenager, Iroh took him to a war council, where many generals, including General Zhao, Iroh, and Fire Lord Ozai, were present.

Zuko expressed his objection to one general's plan to sacrifice Fire Nation soldiers. 

Ozai became enraged and punished Zuko by forcing him to participate in an Agni Kai, a traditional Fire Nation duel, to teach him manners and respect. 

However, Zuko's opponent in the Agni Kai turned out to be his own father.

Zuko refused to fight his father and even knelt down to beg for forgiveness. 

But Ozai showed no mercy and burned Zuko's face in front of everyone, including the citizens of the Fire Nation. 

From that day on, Zuko was banished from the Fire Nation and vowed not to return until he found the Avatar.

Bonus fact: There is a photo of Azula smiling as she watches her brother get burned by their father in front of the public.

What is the Dark Side of the Avatar: The Last Airbender?

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