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One Piece 1068 Reddit Spoiler: Oda Confirms Zoro and Sanji Will Get Devil Fruits on Egghead Island

There are many surprising things in One Piece, one of which is the news that Eiichiro Oda will give the Straw Hat crew a devil fruit.

The facts that exist until One Piece 1068 show that Zoro, Sanji, and the rest of the Straw Hat crew will get a devil fruit on Egghead Island.

Oda turned out to have mentioned a devil fruit that was suitable for Zoro and Sanji.

So what do you think the devil fruit will get Zoro, Sanji, and the rest of the Straw Hat crew? Here's a review of One Piece 1068.

Some time ago, Oda had made a list of devil fruits that were suitable for the Straw Hats.

First is Zoro, Oda said if one of his swords would get Kaido's Uo Uo no Mi devil fruit ability.

So that later Zoro's sword will be like Spandam but in the form of a dragon.

Interestingly we have learned that Dr Vegapunk has a sample of Kaido's bloodline factor whose artificial devil fruit has been eaten by Momonosuke.

Of course this will be a very fitting moment to prove Oda's words.

Dr. Vegapunk who still has a sample of Kaido's devil fruit will insert it into one of Zoro's swords.

The next Straw Hat crew is Nami who Oda thinks is suitable for getting the Goro Goro no Mi devil fruit eaten by the God of Lightning Enel.

According to him Nami will become a true weather woman who is invincible with the devil fruit.

Then Oda said if the Poke Poke no Mi is a devil fruit that is suitable for Usopp.

This Paramecia-type devil fruit allows the user to create pouches all over their body.

So that Usopp will be able to store various objects of any size in his body.

Next there is Sanji who is said to be getting the Sui Sui no Mi devil fruit.

As is well known Sui Sui no Mi is a devil fruit that Dr Vegapunk put into Seraphim Jinbei on Egghead Island.

He can swim on the ground, on walls, and wherever he wants. Oda explained that Sanji could easily sneak with the devil fruit.

This is interesting because currently Dr Vegapunk also has a sample of the devil fruit that has been applied to Seraphim Jinbei.

So it makes sense that Sanji will get the power of the devil fruit that Oda promised on Egghead Island.

Lastly for Franky, it was mentioned that he is very suitable to get the Buki Buki no Mi devil fruit that Baby 5.
With this devil fruit Franky can turn his body into various types of weapons.

That was the discussion of One Piece 1068 about the devil fruit that Oda thinks is very suitable for the Straw Hat crew.

Is it true that Sanji and Zoro will get a devil fruit? We'll just have to wait for One Piece chapter 1068.

Hatsuko A word after a word after a word is power.

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