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How to Awaken a Devil Fruit in One Piece?

How to Awaken a Devil Fruit in One Piece?

How does a user awaken their devil fruit powers? 

This is still a big question in the One Piece series so far. 

Awakening itself is one of the interesting things about devil fruit, apart from the tremendous power that the user receives. 

And in the story, we see how those who awaken their devil fruit will turn into a much more terrible figure.

Awakening itself some time ago became the subject of discussion of fans, after the Worst Generation trio – Luffy, Law, and Kid – succeeded in awakening their devil fruit powers. 

And the fans themselves believe that Oda will still show another awakening from a devil fruit user. 

Then, how do you awaken the power of devil fruit?

What is Awakening

How to Awaken a Devil Fruit in One Piece?

Donquixote Doflamingo gave an explanation about this, that is, when a devil fruit user manages to awaken their devil fruit powers, they will affect their surroundings. 

Doflamingo's devil fruit, Ito Ito no Mi, is a Paramecia-type devil fruit. 

However, when he is successfully resurrected, his strength is similar to that of the Logia devil fruit.

However, in another sense, awakening or the awakening of devil fruit powers is when a devil fruit user is able to fully master his powers. 

On the other hand, they also succeeded in awakening all the potential of the devil fruit to the fullest. 

The effect is that devil fruit users who manage to awaken their devil fruit powers will be extraordinary.

How To Awaken Devil Fruit

How to Awaken a Devil Fruit in One Piece?

So far, Oda Sensei still hasn't provided a concrete concept on how one can awaken his devil fruit power. 

Oda only provides an explanation regarding the awakening through the characters, for example through the figure of Kaido. 

According to Kaido, the awakening of devil fruit powers occurs when the mind and body are able to control or master their abilities.

This has led to speculation that awakening is a natural process, where this process can be forced or stimulated. 

Under natural conditions, a devil fruit will awaken when all the things it needs are supported, namely the body is strong enough to provide energy and control the awakening. 

But for a Zoan type devil fruit, maybe there is another element to be able to awaken, namely the will of the devil fruit.

Apart from that, another requirement to be able to awaken a devil fruit is that the user has had the devil fruit power long enough. 

A vivid example of this is Doflamingo. 

His current age is estimated to be 41 years old and he has eaten the Ito Ito no Mi devil fruit since he was 10 years old. 

That is, Doflamingo has had this devil fruit for 31 years.

Although time may play an important role in awakening devil fruit powers, however, as mentioned above, that is not the only factor. 

This is because there are also characters who have had devil fruits for a long time, but there is still no sign that they have awakened their abilities. 

An example is Buggy the clown.

Willpower may also have a role in being able to awaken devil fruit abilities. 

When someone is able to break through the limits of their strength, then it is certain that they will experience improvement or open up new opportunities from the strength they have. 

A clear example of this is Luffy, who has a strong determination to defeat Kaido.

Awakened Devil Fruit

How to Awaken a Devil Fruit in One Piece?

So far, quite a few characters in the One Piece series have succeeded in awakening their devil fruit powers. 

And in the story, we have been shown how awesome their devil fruit awakening is. 

Examples are Kuzan, Sakazuki, Doflaminggo, Katakuri, Kaido, Big Mom, Law, Kid, and finally Luffy.

Even though a devil fruit user has succeeded in awakening his devil fruit power, there is an important note to remember. 

The rise of devil fruit powers is not a guarantee that someone can win in a fight. 

We have to admit that awakening devil fruit brings a big contribution in a fight. 

However, this does not determine or guarantee victory.

There are many variables or factors that determine a victory in battle. 

After all, there's been some real evidence of how devil fruit users who awaken their powers actually lose in battle. 

So, in conclusion, the rise of the devil fruit power can be one of the supporting factors for the fight. 

However, it is not a guarantee that someone will win.

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