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One Piece 1061Reddit Spoiler: Strawhat Crew Finally Sail to 'Egg Head' Future Island Belong to Vegapunk

One Piece 1061 : Strawhat Crew Finally Sail to "Egg Head" Future Island Belong to Vegapunk

One Piece chapter 1061 spoiler titled "EggHead, Island of the Future" is out now on the internet.

Quoted from several sources, the One Piece Chapter 1061 manga spoiler reveals several surprises.

After Straw Hat crew meet with Jewelry Bonney in the previous chapter.

As One Piece fans know, in the previous chapter it was shown that Luffy and friends entered an island with a cold climate.

Luffy and nakama arrive at Vegapunk's island snow island named Egg Head.

The island is the island of the future which was built by Vegapunk.

Meanwhile at Marine headquarters people on Punk Hazard arc also in there like Tashigi and SWORD members.

After that scene shown Helmeppo begging to borrow "Seraphim" that belongs to Vegapunk to rescue Coby.

The Seraphim here are technological troops similar to the Pacifista (PX) in a more perfect form with renewed strength.

This new seraphim model, similar to one of the boy versions of the character, has white hair, wings, and a weapon capable of splitting mountains.

The Seraphim seem to not only have strength and appearance, but have a body like the Lunarian race we just learned about during the Wanokuni Arc.

As we know that Coby was caught by blackbeard during the invasion of Amazon Lily and taken as a prisoner by him.

On the other hand Luffy, Jinbe, Chopper, and Bonny are separated from the rest of the crew.

At the end of the chapter a girl comes and then claims to be a Vegapunk.

Even though as we think vegapunk is a male figure with a scary stature.

One Piece 1061 : Strawhat Crew Finally Sail to "Egg Head" Future Island Belong to Vegapunk

Plus, long before in the Punk Hazard Arc, Vegapunk was depicted as fat and big, even though it was only shown in the form of a silhouette.

Is it true that the girl is Vegapunk or could she be Vegapunk's child claiming to be Vegapunk?

You can comment in below if you have another prediction about it

We can see the 1061 for free in MangaPlus app on 25 September 2022.

Yopparai Weeb Expert

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