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One Piece 1057 Spoiler: Shanks Must Defeat Luffy to Get to Laugh Tale?

One Piece 1057 Spoiler: Shanks Must Defeat Luffy to Get to Laugh Tale?

The figure of Shanks is one of the crew of the pirate group Gol D. Roger. 

He also almost managed to go to Laugh Tale with the rest of the crew. 

However, he later decided to cancel it and chose to keep the fevered Buggy. 

Shanks himself said that he would one day go there in his own boat.

After his return from Laugh Tale, Roger had told Shanks a lot that even made him cry. 

As of now, we don't know what exactly they are talking about or discussing. 

Regardless, it was possible that Roger shared information on how to get to Laugh Tale with Shanks.

After decades after the execution of the captain, Shanks has now turned into a figure of the ruler of the ocean alias Yonko. 

How then he can become a Yonko like now could be because Shanks sailed a lot and traveled a lot, like Luffy is doing now. 

Maybe, Shanks has visited all the islands in the world of One Piece.

In other words, Shanks might already know, or could easily, find out where and how to get to Laugh Tale. 

Not only that, he might already know how to get One Piece. 

Does that mean Shanks is another candidate for the One Piece race?

Shanks Knows the Location of Laugh Tale

One Piece 1057 Spoiler: Shanks Must Defeat Luffy to Get to Laugh Tale?

Hints regarding Shanks who may already know the location of Laugh Tale and how to get One Piece appeared in chapter 1054 yesterday. 

In the chapter, Shanks tells Benn Beckman that it's about time they got One Piece. 

What you need to pay attention to is the diction or word choice that Shanks uses.

He doesn't say "find" One Piece like Luffy and the other pirates do. Shanks uses the word "claim/take" to indicate that he may already know where the treasure is. 

And Shanks was just waiting for the right time to go to Laugh Tale and then get the treasure, which he thought was the perfect time.

Again, Shanks' past, history, and all his experiences lead Shanks to the assumption that he is able to find out where Laugh Tale is. 

Or at least he already knew what it took to get to Laugh Tale, so he didn't have the same predicament Roger had.

One Piece 1057 Spoiler: Shanks Must Defeat Luffy to Get to Laugh Tale?

So, there are some important points that we can draw from this theory. 

First, as a crew or pirate who is still learning, Shanks is only one step away from being able to get to the last island. 

And confidently, at that age, Shanks said that he could find or go to the island in his own boat.

Second, being one of Roger's closest friends, 

Shanks might get a hint of directions or other information to get to Laugh Tale. 

Third, after his return from the island, Roger feels like he will share everything with Shanks including the details of how they got there.

It will be interesting to see what happens to Shanks next, after we know that Shanks probably already knows where Laugh Tale and One Piece are located. 

Does it mean that the real competition between the pirates is about to begin? 

Does that mean Shanks will fight Luffy to get to Laugh Tale? We look forward to the continuation of the story!

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