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One Piece 1053 Spoilers: Ryokugyu Cure Side Effects of Smile

One Piece 1053 Spoilers: Ryokugyu Cure Side Effects of Smile

There is One Piece 1053 spoiler which contains instructions for the next chapter.

One Piece 1053 spoiler discusses the figure of admiral Ryokogyu (Green Bull).

Admiral Ryokogyu (Green Bull) is believed to make a surprise by healing the side effects of the SMILE devil fruit that befell the citizens of Wano Kuni until One Piece 1053.

The following is a discussion of the One Piece 1053 spoiler regarding Ryokogyu (Green Bull) who turned out to be kind because he healed the side effects of the SMILE devil fruit that befell the citizens of Wano Kuni.

There is a hint of One Piece 1053 that was shared by the leaker recently.

The first clue is a picture of an orange book icon.

Related to this there are several references that can be linked.

The first orange book was a reference from the Oden Journal.

If it is true what is meant is Oden's Journal, of course this is good news for Nico Robin.

The reason is that when we talk about books in the current One Piece story, we will immediately focus on Oden's Journal.

Could the missing page of Oden's Journal have been found by Robin?

The second possibility besides Oden's Journal. In the real world the Orange Book really exists.

The book is very important and becomes a reference for decisions in several countries.

Orange Book is a book that contains a list of drugs and other drugs that are allowed to be consumed because they have been authorized by the food department in America.

Maybe the orange book has something to do with Ryokogyu (Green Bull).

One Piece 1053 Spoilers: Ryokugyu Cure Side Effects of Smile

The relationship in question is about the power of Ryokogyu (Green Bull).

From the existing theory, it is suspected that Ryokogyu (Green Bull) has powers related to plants.

This plant that comes from the power of Ryokogyu (Green Bull) has both positive and negative effects.

One of the positive effects is the power of the Ryokogyu (Green Bull) plant to cure the side effects of the SMILE devil fruit.

As is known, SMILE makes Wano Kuni residents lose their emotions.

The people of Wano Kuni can only laugh all the time regardless of the conditions they see.

If it is true that the power of the Ryokogyu (Green Bull) plant can cure the side effects of the SMILE devil fruit, this is a surprise.

So we can assume that Ryokogyu (Green Bull) is a kind-hearted person.

Because Ryokogyu (Green Bull) came to Wano Kuni to visit and help the people there.

This is similar to the arrival of Admiral Fujitora to Dressrosa.

At that time Fujitora with his strength cleared the rubble of the ruins in Dressrosa.

Fujitora didn't attack the Straw Hat crew on Dressrosa either.

Therefore, the possibility of Ryokogyu (Green Bull) coming to Wano Kuni to cure the side effects of the SMILE devil fruit may occur.

It's interesting to see what Ryokogyu (Green Bull) wants to do at Wano Kuni in One Piece 1053.

Thus the discussion of One Piece 1053 regarding the suspicion that Ryokogyu (Green Bull) cured SMILE side effects in Wano Kuni.

Disclaimer: The discussion of One Piece 1053 spoiler is a guideline so it can be right or wrong. This article was created for entertainment purposes

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