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One Piece 1047 Spoiler: Yomi Yomi no Mi Brook Awakening is More Terrifying Than Nika Luffy!

One Piece 1047 Spoiler: Yomi Yomi no Mi Brook Awakening is More Terrifying Than Nika Luffy!

Until One Piece 1047, it's no secret that Nika Luffy's awakening of the Hito Hito no Mi devil fruit is terrible.

However, from the facts that exist until One Piece 1047, there is an awakening of a devil fruit that is more terrible than the Hito Hito no Mi devil fruit Nika Luffy's model.

The devil fruit in question is Brook's Yomi Yomi no Mi.

The concept of awakening is a special thing for those who eat devil fruit.

With awakening, devil fruit eaters get a very powerful addition.

This additional strength through awakening certainly really helps them win the battle.

Currently there is one devil fruit that is terrible if awakening occurs to him.

One Piece 1047 Spoiler: Yomi Yomi no Mi Brook Awakening is More Terrifying Than Nika Luffy!

So great, this devil fruit awakening is more terrible than Nika Luffy's Hito Hito no Mi mode.

The one devil fruit in question is Brook's Yomi Yomi no Mi.

The power of this Paramecia-type devil fruit allows the eater to live a second time.

In addition, the Yomi Yomi no Mi devil fruit eater can use other soul-based powers.

For now we can see Brook's power to transform into a floating soul.

Even though the soul is floating, the owner is still connected to the original body.

It's not impossible when it's awakened, Brook's soul is able to get out of his body.

Brook has the opportunity to possess other people by forcing other people's souls.

As is known the basis of Brook's power is the soul or spirit.

One Piece 1047 Spoiler: Yomi Yomi no Mi Brook Awakening is More Terrifying Than Nika Luffy!

If so, Brook has very terrible potential.

Brook is able to kill someone by possessing him.

In addition, Brook can disguise himself through other people's bodies to get the information he is looking for.

It's interesting to wait to see how the Yomi Yomi no Mi Brook's devil fruit abilities when awakening.

Of course this can be answered by Oda in One Piece 1047 or the next chapters.

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