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5 Strongest Zoan Type Devil Fruits Ever in the One Piece Series

5 Strongest Zoan Type Devil Fruits Ever in the One Piece Series

Of the three types of devil fruit that exist, zoan is the most unique.

A zoan-type devil fruit can allow its user to transform into an animal, ancient animal, or mythical creature.

This devil fruit also makes people who use it recover quickly from their injuries.

Of the many zoan-type devil fruits that have appeared in this series, has summarized the five strongest zoan-type devil fruits ever! (so far)

Curious about any devil fruit? 

Check out the following reviews.

1. Uo uo no mi, model: seiryu

5 Strongest Zoan Type Devil Fruits Ever in the One Piece Series

Uo uo no mi, model: seiryu is the power that made Kaido known as the strongest being in the world. 

This devil fruit was obtained by Kaido in the battle in God Valley 38 years ago. 

This devil fruit allows Kaido to transform into a dragon at will.

In addition, this devil fruit also gives Kaido a very thick skin. 

Therefore, only truly strong characters can injure Kaido. 

So far, Kozuki Oden is the only person who can inflict permanent damage on Kaido.

2. Tori tori no mi, model: phoenix

5 Strongest Zoan Type Devil Fruits Ever in the One Piece Series

The Tori tori no mi, model: phoenix is ​​the devil fruit of Marco, the former First Division Commander in the Whitebeard Pirates. 

As the name suggests, this devil fruit allows Marco to transform into a phoenix.

In addition, this devil fruit also allows Marco to heal all wounds on his body and other people's bodies despite some limitations. 

With this devil fruit, Marco is strong enough to fight against all three Admirals and fight against King and Queen at once.

3. Hito hito no mi, model: daibutsu

5 Strongest Zoan Type Devil Fruits Ever in the One Piece Series

Hito hito no mi, model: daibutsu is a devil fruit belonging to Sengoku, a former Fleet Admiral in the Marines. 

This devil fruit allows Sengoku to transform into a giant Buddha and can emit very powerful shockwaves.

Until now, the full power of this devil fruit has not been shown. 

However, in the battle at Marineford, Sengoku was able to easily fight the Blackbeard Pirates without the slightest difficulty. 

This is enough to prove that this devil fruit is one of the strongest in the series.

4. Ryu ryu no mi, model: pteranodon

5 Strongest Zoan Type Devil Fruits Ever in the One Piece Series

Ryu ryu no mi, model: pteranodon is a devil fruit belonging to one of Kaido's strongest right-hand men, namely King. 

This devil fruit allows King to transform into an ancient animal, Pteranodon. 

This devil fruit not only allows King to fly, but also gives King incredible strength and speed.

This devil fruit is quite rare because this devil fruit is one of the few devil fruits that allows the user to fly. 

With the power of this devil fruit, King is even strong enough to destroy the Queen Mama Chanter, the ship of the Big Mom Pirates.

5. Ryu ryu no mi, model: brachiosaurus

5 Strongest Zoan Type Devil Fruits Ever in the One Piece Series

Another zoan-type devil fruit eaten by one of Kaido's right-hand men is the ryu ryu no mi, model: brachiosaurus. 

Queen's devil fruit allows Queen to transform into a brachiosaurus at will.

In her brachiosaurus form, Queen will have very high endurance. Queen is even strong enough to withstand Big Mom's attacks. 

Not only that, with her Brachio Bomber stance, Queen can also do damage to Big Mom.

It's no surprise that a zoan-type devil fruit is a very rare devil fruit.

The reason is, this devil fruit gives enormous power to its users. 

In your opinion, what other zoan-type devil fruit is no less powerful than the five zoan-type devil fruits above?

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