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One Piece 1083 Spoiler: Sabo Reveals Mary Geoise's Secret and the Revolutionary Army Declares War

The cover of this manga shows the existence of Donquixote Doflamingo.

This One Piece 1083 manga tells about the secrets of the world government while in Mary Geoise.

This was disclosed by Sabo to the Revolutionary troops.

It can be seen that Sabo, Monkey D Dragon, and Empario Ilvankov wanted to talk about what happened at Reveri at that time.

The story and flashback begins.

The information is about the empire that opposes the world government.

One of them is the Lulusia kingdom which has been annihilated evenly.

These eight kingdoms refused to pay taxes to the world government and so the government decided to send Holy Knights, to deal with them.

It is stated that the number of Holy Knights is 9.

Sabo with Karasu, Morley and Lindbergh against Admiral Ryukugyu and Fujitora.

In the fight, he is seen watching Karasu shoot his crow at Issho while Morley manages to stab Aramaki.

Also there the CPO organization intervened in the battle with Nefertari Vivi.

According to Sabo, the main mission was successfully completed by allowing them to declare war against the World Government directly by burning the flag of the World Government, even Bartholomew Kuma was successfully released.

Monkey D Dragon says that the real war against the world government has now started.

It was due to the actions of the Holy Knights, that the Revolutionary Army had made its first move in the battle by destroying the supply ships bound for Marijoa.

A newspaper is seen carrying the news about the body of King Nefertari Cobra, King of the Arabasta Kingdom, and next to it is the prime suspect Sabo.

Then, it is also shown that King Nefertari Cobra is heading to meet the Gorosei, and before he goes to them, he asks Pell and Chaka, the guardians of the Arabasta Kingdom, to look after his daughter, Princess Nefertari Vivi.

Hatsuko A word after a word after a word is power.

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