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One Piece: Oda Gives Hints! These 3 Islands Save the Last Road Poneglyph?

One Piece: Oda Gives Hints! These 3 Islands Save the Last Road Poneglyph?

Many One Piece fans don't know about the Road to Laugh Tale Booklet.

Through the Road to Laugh Tale Booklet, Oda will divulge some important information about the One Piece story.

One of the important leaks revealed in Oda via the Road to Laugh Tale Booklet is the location of the last Road Poneglyph.

The following is a discussion of One Piece regarding the location of the last Road Poneglyph which is still mysterious.

Mentioned in the Road to Laugh Tale Booklet, the location of this Road Poneglyph is on an island that has never been visited by Luffy.

The Road to Laugh Tale Booklet recommends three Islands that are alleged to be the location of the last Road Poneglyph.

1. Elbaf Island

One Piece: Oda Gives Hints! These 3 Islands Save the Last Road Poneglyph?

The first location that allegedly holds the last Road Poneglyph is Elbaf Island.

Elbaf Island is an island inhabited by a race of giants.

Elbaf Island has never been visited by Luffy.

From the speculation circulating among fans, Elbaf Island is Luffy's next destination after Wano Kuni.

If it is true that the Road Poneglyph is on Elbaf Island, it could be that the person who keeps it is Prince Loki of the Elbaf Kingdom.

2. Vira Country

One Piece: Oda Gives Hints! These 3 Islands Save the Last Road Poneglyph?

The second location that allegedly holds the last Road Poneglyph is Vira Country.

Vira Country is known to have been visited by Mont Blanc Noland and the Revolutionary Army.

Vira Country is known to have been on the Grandline for 400 years.

Noland used to visit Vira Country when he was still a small village.

But now Vira Country has developed into a country that has serious problems.

This can be seen from the coup carried out by the Revolutionary Forces on Vira Country in the last two years.

This Vira Country has been mentioned by Nami in chapters 96 and 228.

3. Hachinosu Island

One Piece: Oda Gives Hints! These 3 Islands Save the Last Road Poneglyph?

The third location that allegedly holds the last Road Poneglyph is Hachinosu Island.

Currently, Hachinosu Island is the headquarters of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Could it be that Blackbeard already knew the existence of this Road Poneglyph.

Hachinosu Island has a relationship with previous pirates, one of which is Rocks D Xebec.

Xebec had made Hachinosu Island his base.

Thus, One Piece's discussion about Oda leaked the location which was allegedly the last Road Poneglyph.

Disclaimer: This One Piece discussion is taken from the forum and there may be differences from the original story. This article was created for entertainment purposes.

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