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One Piece 1053 Spoiler: King and Queen Relationship Cracked

One Piece 1053 Spoiler: King and Queen Relationship Cracked

Various instructions for One Piece 1053 have finally circulated on various sites.

In the instructions for One Piece 1053, it is suspected that the relationship between King and Queen will be tenuous.

Various theories have emerged regarding a clue, which is related to the King and Queen.

The following is a discussion of One Piece 1053's instructions regarding the torn King and Queen cards, which hints that the relationship will be tenuous.

One theory of the clue is that the King and Queen will quit the Beast Pirates.

They are allegedly going to separate ways to their respective new destinations.

Previously, it was thought that King would join Luffy's alliance.

The reason is, he has been looking for the figure of Joy Boy and seems to want to meet him.

After knowing that Luffy is Joy Boy then there is a suspicion that he will join.

This hint also refers to Kaido and Big Mom's ending alliance.

Yes, with the defeat of each yonkou at the hands of the worst generation, their alliance was fractured.

Moreover, the news of their fall has spread throughout the world.

Well, that was the theory from the hints regarding the upcoming chapter.

Disclaimer: This is only One Piece 1053's consideration of the existing instructions and is for entertainment purposes, without intending to precede the original story.

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