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One Piece 1045: Luffy's Zoan Power Turns Out That's Why Blackbeard Can Stay Alive With Two Devil Fruits?

One Piece 1045: Luffy's Zoan Power Turns Out That's Why Blackbeard Can Stay Alive With Two Devil Fruits?

The power of the Mythical Zoan Hito Hito no Mi Nika in One Piece 1044 has given Luffy a new ability.

But not only new abilities, looking at the clues that Eiichiro Oda gave in One Piece 1045, Luffy's power seems to have revealed Blackbeard's secret.

The Straw Hat captain's Zoan power will explain how Blackbeard can stay alive after eating two devil fruits.

Currently Blackbeard already has the power of two devil fruits namely Yami Yami no Mi and Gura Gura no Mi.

This Yami Yami no Mi type Logia gives the user the power to create and control the element of darkness.

Then the Gura Gura no Mi that Blackbeard took from Whitebeard has the power to create an earthquake.

After having two devil fruit powers, Blackbeard still wants to increase his strength.

One way is to get the power of the third devil fruit.

Of course, until now it is still a mystery about the third devil fruit that Blackbeard wants.

However, there is one possibility which refers to the fact that Blackbeard is eyeing Gecko Moria's devil fruit.

One Piece 1045: Luffy's Zoan Power Turns Out That's Why Blackbeard Can Stay Alive With Two Devil Fruits?

In One Piece 1045, it was revealed that Zoan-type devil fruits have an innate soul and consciousness.

This certainly reminds us of Blueno's words in chapter 385 about the devil fruit.

He said if someone eats two devil fruits at once, that person's body will explode and die.

It seems that the information mentioned by Blueno is incomplete so that it deviates from the actual facts.

Perhaps the real information is that if someone eats two Zoan-type devil fruits at once or one of them is a Zoan-type, then his body explodes.

This may be true because the Gorosei with the mark on his forehead says that each Zoan devil fruit has its own soul and consciousness.

So there is a possibility that the Zoan's soul that has entered the user's body will reject the power of another devil fruit that will or has been inserted.

By taking the same logic, then there is a chance for someone to have two devil fruit powers if the one they eat is not of the Zoan type.

That would explain why Blackbeard could have the power of two devil fruits at once.

Actually not only Blackbeard can, anyone can have two devil fruit powers if the fruit eaten is not of the Zoan type.

One Piece 1045: Luffy's Zoan Power Turns Out That's Why Blackbeard Can Stay Alive With Two Devil Fruits?

But only Blackbeard was aware of this fact, so he was the only one who dared to experiment.

So the question is, whose soul and consciousness is brought by the Zoan type devil fruit?

Does the soul and consciousness belong to the devil fruit alone or is there a mixture of the soul and consciousness of the ancients who were users of the devil fruit?

Of course, Oda will reveal this sooner or later in One Piece 1045 or the next chapters.

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