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One Piece 1063: Oda Says Vegapunk's Original Physique Similar to Pain in the Naruto Series

The upcoming chapter 1063 will most likely reveal Vegapunk's true form.

Eiichiio Oda has given instructions regarding the original Vegapunk physique up to One Piece 1063.

It is said that Vegapunk in One Piece is similar to one of the characters in the Naruto series, who is he?

Before the story of One Piece 1063 continues, Vegapunk is known to have made 6 clones of himself.

The identities of the six Vegapunk clones in the One Piece story include Shaka, Lilith, Edison, Pythagoras, Atlas, and York.

It is explained that each clone has its own characteristics and desires.

Meanwhile, as reported by Twitter @opuindo, the physical form of the original Vegapunk is similar to one of the characters in the Naruto series.

Where, the original Vegapunk is said to be very similar to Pain in the Naruto series.

In the Naruto series they are called Six Paths of Pain which consists of 6 clones just like the Vegapunk clone.

The six Pains themselves are named Tendo, Gakido, Ningendo, Chikushodo, Shurado and Jigokudo.

It is also similar to the creation of the Vegapunk robot clone.

The difference is that Pain in Naruto is controlled by Nagato, while the Vegapunk clone itself is not known to be controlled or not.

Therefore, it is possible that the physical and the way they control the clones are the same.

Oda will definitely reveal the original Vegapunk form, whether in One Piece 1063 or maybe the next chapter.

Hatsuko A word after a word after a word is power.

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