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One Piece 1062 Spoiler: Straw Hat Pirates Trapped on Vegapunk Island!

One Piece 1062 Spoiler: Straw Hat Pirates Trapped on Vegapunk Island!

Vegapunk's appearance is still shocking. 

What will Vegapunk do to the Straw Hat Pirates in One Piece 1062?

Vegapunk is one of the main focuses of One Piece 1061 chapter.

The appearance of Vegapunk who turned out to be a girl created a lot of debate for One Piece fans.

One Piece 1061 just released today Friday, September 23, 2022. 

There are several important focuses in this chapter.

Among them the appearance of Vegapunk who is a mysterious figure in One Piece.

In One Piece 1061 it is revealed that Vegapunk is a girl. He boarded a metal robot that caught the Straw Hat Pirates' ship.

It's just that in this chapter, Luffy, Jinbei, Brook, and Chopper are separated from the group for trying to save Bonney.

Bonney, one of the leaders of the Worst Generation sailed alone to the area and her ship was damaged by a metal monster.

This makes the Straw Hat Pirates and Bonney trapped on Egg Head Island, Vegapunk's island.

Meanwhile Helmeppo and SWORD are also on the same island asking for Vegapunk's help.

They try to borrow the seraphim to find Koby who was kidnapped by Blackbeard.

In the full spoiler of One Piece 1061 it is revealed that there will be a 1 week break after One Piece 1061. 

This means that One Piece 1062 will only be released in the next 2 weeks.

So, One Piece 1062 will be released on October 7, 2022 at the earliest. 

Some focus seems to be happening in One Piece 1062, especially regarding Vegapunk.

That's the information about One Piece 1062.

One Piece 1062 Spoiler: Straw Hat Pirates Trapped on Vegapunk Island!

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