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One Piece 1049 Spoiler: Im Sama's Biggest Fear, Monkey D Luffy Is Uranus' Ancient Weapon?!

One Piece 1049 Spoiler: Im Sama's Biggest Fear, Monkey D Luffy Is Uranus' Ancient Weapon?!

The World Government is the largest organization in One Piece 1049 led by Im Sama.

From the facts that exist until One Piece 1049, Luffy turns out to be the figure that Im Sama fears the most.

Because Luffy is allegedly the Ancient Weapon of Uranus which has been a nightmare for the World Government.

The following is a discussion of One Piece 1049 regarding the evidence that Luffy is Uranus.

Im Sama is known to be an important figure who has made various rules and prohibitions in the world of One Piece.

While the ranks of the World Government are also referred to as gods or direct descendants of gods.

Because they are considered to be the original descendants of the group or people who built the organization thousands of years ago.

Being the biggest and most powerful organization doesn't mean they don't have a threat or something to be afraid of.

The World Government is known to have several things that they consider a major threat.

These various threats are considered to be able to endanger the sustainability of the system that has been built by Im Sama so far.

For this reason, the World Government often takes preventive measures in advance so that these threats do not escalate.

One Piece 1049 Spoiler: Im Sama's Biggest Fear, Monkey D Luffy Is Uranus' Ancient Weapon?!

From what has been shown so far, we know that the World Government is very frightened by the awakening of Nika's devil fruit Awakening.

But actually they also have one other big threat, namely Ancient Weapons.

Ancient Weapons are three legendary weapons that have the power to destroy the world.

The Three Ancient Weapons are Pluton, Poseidon, and Uranus.

So far, only two Ancient Weapons are known, namely Poseidon and Pluton.

As for Uranus, it is still unknown what it looks like.

Because it has tremendous power, it makes sense if the World Government tries to cover up the existence of these weapons.

With the awesomeness of the three Ancient Weapons, whoever controls the three weapons can certainly destroy the World Government without remaining.

In chapter 277 Professor Clover asserts that the government is more afraid of the ideals of the Ancient Kingdom.

Where it is believed that the combination of the three weapons is able to realize the ideals of the kingdom.

The goal of the Ancient Kingdom is to unite all races in the world of One Piece so that everyone has equality with the others.

Therefore there is speculation that the Ancient Weapons are feared by the World Government because they can unite all existing races to destroy them.

Then the way is to destroy the Red Line that crosses and divides the entire ocean.

As is known, the ocean area of ​​One Piece is divided into four parts, namely South Blue, North Blue, East Blue, and West Blue.

Then from what is presented in the story, the four seas are separated by a large and high land called the Red Line.

It is on the Red Line that Mariejoa's territory is located, home to the World Government and the Celestial Dragons.

One Piece 1049 Spoiler: Im Sama's Biggest Fear, Monkey D Luffy Is Uranus' Ancient Weapon?!One Piece 1049 Spoiler: Im Sama's Biggest Fear, Monkey D Luffy Is Uranus' Ancient Weapon?!

The existence of the Red Line is not only a separator from all existing oceans, but also a separator for all nations and races in the world of One Piece.

We certainly already know that racial and national differences are one of the main conflicts in the One Piece story.

It is also known that humans have conflicts with the mermaids and fishmen because they think of them as inferior creatures.

With this separation, the World Government then used it to control them all.

Im Sama is aware that if the Red Line is destroyed, then it is possible that all races in the world will unite to take revenge for the arbitrariness they have committed in the past.

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