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Takt Op. Destiny, Perfect “Advertising” Anime

Takt Op. Destiny, Perfect “Advertising” Anime

If asked about the anime that fans are most looking forward to in the fall 2021 period, many anime fans would choose Tact Op. Destiny as one of the most anticipated anime.

Not without reason, this anime is produced by MAPPA and MADHOUSE studios which are known as producers of popular anime, and here I will review why the anime is still a spectacle worth watching.

This anime tells the story of a world that is increasingly chaotic after a black meteor crashed into Earth, the fall of this meteor makes a creature called D2 appear and create chaos, especially when it hears music.

To avoid disasters and increasing victims, music is then not played anymore by people.

However, in addition to the arrival of D2 as a disaster, there were also girls with special powers who were later dubbed Musicart, they were the only ones with the power to defeat D2 with the help of a conductor.

Takt Asahina is one of the conductors who owns a Musicart named Unmei, and before meeting Unmei, Takt was often alone in his house playing the piano.

Having a father who was a great conductor, Takt's natural talent is apparent and his dedication to music is stronger than anyone else.

He was often accompanied by Cosette who always encouraged him to make music, Unfortunately, due to a D2 attack, Cosette had to die and her body was taken over by Unmei.

Takt and Unmei themselves are an unusual pair of conductors and Musicart, in order to fight, Unmei always takes Takt's life force as energy.

Because of this problem, Takt, Unmei, and accompanied by Cosette's older sister Anna, then traveled to Symphonica's headquarters in New York.

It is a large organization that aims to eradicate D2 by recruiting several conductors and pairing them with Musicart and their journey begins.

In terms of story, takt op. Destiny does provide a fresh idea by using music as the main subject matter. Interestingly, takt op. Destiny has a storyline that matches fan expectations.

In each episode, Takt and Unmei always face D2 and gradually begin to strengthen their cooperation.

The tempo of storytelling is also fairly appropriate because it is not too fast and easy to understand.

Considering that Takt Op. Destiny is also an original anime, the story in this anime does make the audience have to always guess where the story will go every week. 

With a well-crafted original storyline, takt op. Destiny manages to provide a pretty realistic ending for everyone.

However, with greater expectations come different opinions from many anime fans. In terms of design, the anime is very attractive and each character stands out beautifully.

Although it has a charming design, the inconsistent animation is something that viewers often complain about.

The first episode of this anime is indeed made very interesting with typical MAPPA battle scenes.

However, in later episodes, the animation quality seems to go up and down, sometimes one episode is well made, while other episodes are not very good.

Considering that this anime is a musical action anime, every battle in Takt Op. Destiny seems to be accompanied by instrumental audio that is full of harmony and epic like watching an orchestra.

Not surprisingly, the music in the anime takt op. Destiny deserves to be called one of the best for anime for the fall 2021 period.

Anyway, even though this anime has a few shortcomings, it can be covered by a lot of advantages and it is not an exaggeration if I say that Takt Op. Destiny is one of the anime that is a pity to miss even without the popularity of the production studio.

Yopparai Weeb Expert

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