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One Piece 1072 Spoilers Reddit Spoilers: Garp Dies at Kurihoge's Hands

One Piece 1072 Spoilers Reddit Spoilers: Garp Dies at Kurihoge's Hands

The latest One Piece chapter shows Helmeppo crying because Coby was stolen by Blackbeard.

At this time we don't know the real reason why Blackbeard captured Coby.

Captain Coby is a Marine Captain who trained together with Helmeppo, under the supervision of Admiral Monkey D. Garp.

He was a former cabin boy for the Alvida Pirates until he was freed by Monkey D. Luffy, and was one of Luffy's first friends during the time he started his journey.

Before meeting Luffy, Coby was an innocent little boy who didn't have the courage to say what he wanted.

But after meeting Luffy, Coby began to dare to express what he wanted, namely to become a marine admiral.

As it is known that during the great war at Marineford, Coby already had courage and even he could feel the presence of people around him.

One Piece 1072 Spoilers Reddit Spoilers: Garp Dies at Kurihoge's Hands

Then after training deeper into his kenbunshoku finally Coby really became a very strong figure, his kenbunshoku also got sharper.

If Coby is in danger, then it's no wonder Garp will help him.

Coby and Helmeppo are two marine warriors who have grown stronger thanks to Garp.

But there are rumors circulating that Garp will die fighting Blackbeard.

This is because Garp is old, just like Sirohoge who died at a young age.

One Piece 1072 Spoilers Reddit Spoilers: Garp Dies at Kurihoge's Hands

But Garp's death can make Luffy angry, because Garpm is Luffy's grandfather.

If Garp dies at the hands of Blackbeard, then it is certain that Luffy will target Blackbeard in the next arc.

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