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One Piece Reddit Spoiler: God Valley Incident Repeats, Luffy and Coby Team Up to Defeat Blackbeard

One Piece Reddit Spoiler: God Valley Incident Repeats, Luffy and Coby Team Up to Defeat Blackbeard

After we saw SHP who was on Egghead Island in the previous chapter.

The upcoming One Piece 1062 will show the island of Beehive.

As was known in the previous chapter, Helmeppo tried to ask Dr. Vegapunk for help and borrowed one of the Seraphim to save Coby.

Most likely, Helmeppo will come to Egghead Island, where at this moment, Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates know that Coby has been kidnapped by Blackbeard.

Then you will be shown the headquarters of one of the Yonko on the island of Beehive, namely the headquarters of Blackbeard.

What later became a strong reason why Blackbeard kidnapped Coby is also revealed here.

It turned out that Blackbeard wanted to dig up information about the new combat troops owned by the World Government, namely the Seraphim.

The reason is in One Piece 1059: Blackbeard, who didn't manage to get the power of the Mero Mero no Mi Devil Fruit.

Previously, Blackbeard had seen Coby, who had succeeded in ordering one of the Seraphim not to destroy the people who had become Bati due to the power of Boa Hancock.

One Piece Reddit Spoiler: God Valley Incident Repeats, Luffy and Coby Team Up to Defeat Blackbeard

It was clear that Blackbeard, who saw this, was very interested in Coby, and Blackbeard probably also knew that the kidnapping of Coby could be a very mature bait for certain parties to make a move.

Moreover, as it is known that Monkey D. Garp will definitely not stand by seeing his student kidnapped by a Yonko, this could be the beginning of Luffy and Garp's meeting on Beehive Island.

Of course, it would be very interesting if Coby survived and cooperated with Luffy to defeat Blackbeard.

When Garp sees this, he will recall his time during the God Valley Incident, when he and Roger worked together to defeat Rocks D Xebec.

Keep in mind that Blackbeard and Rocks D. Xebec have something in common, namely that they both want to be kings of the world.

That's the discussion of One Piece 1062. This discussion is only theoretical and entertainment; it can be true or false, and there is no intention to precede the actual content of the story.

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